Square Box Finished.

Unloaded a glaze kiln last night and I wanted to show the square box that I had videoed last week.  I think it came out pretty good.  

I have been decorating all day.  I'm hoping to get a bisque loaded tonight before bed.


 I know my pal Michael Kline has been working hard all day loading his big wood kiln.  He will have a long day of firing tomorrow.  I think Doug Fitch is firing his wood kiln tomorrow too.  Here's to you guys!!  Stoke it up.

Okay, back to the decorating for me.  I'll try and write more about the Conference as I can.

Mid Week Crunch

I had a great time at the NC Potter's Conference over the weekend.  I did not do any mobile blogging like I had hoped to, but did post some to FaceBook.  I am still getting used to having a device that I can use while I am not at home.

 I really enjoyed all the presenters.  

l-r.  John Glick, Cynthia Bringle, Ronan Peterson, Martha Grover, Jack Troy, and Jake Johnson.

I'm not going to write much now.  I really need to get to work.  If you'd like to see more images you can view the 2012 Potter's Conference set on my Flickr page.  Click HERE.  

I'll try and write more later.  Michael Kline and I leave in less than a week to go to Virginia and Cape Cod to present our workshops.  I have pots to finish, images to organize, and all sorts of things to get together for that.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. 

Thanks for checking in.  



Sunny and Box Decorated

Oh it was a wonderful day here today.  Temps in the mid 70's F , sunny and just gorgeous.  I worked outside doing some decorating.  Here's the box that I finished today.

Carter made a really good post that sort of followed what I said in my previous post about Small Runs.  Head on over and read it by clicking HERE.

I'll be doing some mobile blogging from the NC Potter's Conference starting tomorrow.  Check back in for that.

Small Runs

Hey.  Wow, I'm glad I had a good day today.  I've been a bit of a grump so far this week but I made sure that when I woke up this morning I smiled and said, New day, don't be a grump.  

Michael Kline and I talked awhile back about working on small groups of pots at a time.  I think Michael blogged about it.  I'll check for a link on his site*.

That idea about small groups goes back, for me anyway (and MK too I think) to a model that Michael Simon practiced in his studio.

So I've been at it for a couple weeks now and I am enjoying it.  For instance, on Monday I threw 12 pots.  Four cups, a jar, two knob-and-alls, 3 serving bowls, and I made two slab jars.  So that's 12.  Yesterday, Tuesday, I finished those pots and got them all slipped.  

Working in small groups gives me time to enjoy each pot and give it some attention.  I dread putting handles on more than 8 cups in a day.   I have more consideration of the pots while I am making them.  With 4 cups I can throw them slowly and really putting some feeling into each one.  There's certainly something to be said about making large runs of pots and getting in a groove.  I know plenty of potters who do that.  For me, right now working with a small kiln and doing a great deal of decorating, I feel the need to go slow and steady.  I don't really think 'slow' is the right word but what I mean is that I do not feel like I want to be cranking out pots and trying to play catch up, keeping them under plastic as I struggle for days to finish them.

Today I threw 11 pots but one was a teapot so I'm counting it as two.  I started drawing on the small square slab box too.  I'm really hoping it makes it through the kiln w. no cracks.

I made some super size yunomi last week. 

I'm heading to the NC Potter's Conference this weekend.  It's going to be a good time.  I always like seeing all my clay pals and learning something new from the demonstrators.  

Okay, I think that's all I've got for now.  

* Here's the link to Kline's post.  Clickity Click


Door for my Wood Kiln

I don't have a wood kiln.  But I may some day and if I do it will probably be a bourry box design*.   If I do build that type of firebox I'll need a cool door and I just happened to find one this last week.

I can't tell ya where I 'found' it.  There was a whole stove but it was in pretty bad shape.  So bad that I was able to practically rip this part off with my bare hands!  (flexing muscles as I write that).  There were some little doors too and I may go back for them.  And there's another stove as well, in even worse shape but harder to get to.

Anyhow I think this would make for a cool firebox door.  I could pack the back with some fiber for added protection.  I like the built in thermometer, not that it'd be of any use.

I unloaded the kiln last night.  All these pots are going to a shop later in the week.

There were more and I've set most of them aside to go to Cape Cod.  I'll be getting in one more firing before Michael Kline and I head north .

Off to assemble some boxes and to handle cups.  Thanks for checking in.



*the other option would be an updraft bottle kiln, but that's another post.

Sunny Saturday

It's cool out this morning but the sun is shining and the sky is beautiful and blue.  I have hope for spring coming early.

Karma has been chasing the robins out of the yard.  We must have quite the earthworm population as I have watched the robins pull them out and gobble them up.

Karma has the attention span of about 3 seconds, if that.  Chase birds, bark at neighbor on the road, take a break and chew on her bone.

Sarah is in Asheville for the weekend at a yoga training.  I got a nice full bisque kiln loaded yesterday.  It's an order for a gallery.  Tomorrow I'll get it all glazed and re-loaded.  I'm looking forward to getting some pots made on Monday.  I have some ideas for jars and I really need to stock up on cups.

I'd heading out now to saw some firewood.  Have a great weekend.

Slipping a Jar

I am volunteering at the Arts Council for a few hours today.  Before I go I wanted to put up this video that I shot yesterday.   It's a bit of a How To

I hope that will help someone out.  I really need to mix up a new full bucket of slip soon.  I hate mixing slips and glazes in winter.  I don't have indoor water in the studio so it makes for cold work.

More later I hope.

A Turtle and Teaching

It looks like it's going to be after lunch before I ever get to the studio today.  Which is fine, I actually think it may be warm enough outside by then to work out on the porch.  I am so ready for spring.  We have had a mild winter but I want to see some green leaves and grass and colorful flowers.

This jar went up in the Etsy shop this morning.  I need to make some more animal pots.  Over the years I've had dogs, cats, goats, turtles, and rabbits.  


Yesterday I learned that I could be considered for an adjunct teaching position at a nearby community college.  It's a new program and would be two days a week in the ceramics studio.  I don't know the pay yet.

This is causing me stress because I have really grown accustomed to being my own boss, making my own hours, and answering only to myself.  I do love to teach and I get a lot back from the students.  It can be a place of good opportunity and growth as well as some financial stability.  It can also cut into my time that I desire to travel, go to workshops during the school year, and other things that may come up that I just decide to do.  I was so happy when I quit my day job years ago.  Being a potter is really all I want to do. 

Over the past 3 years I've been offered the instructor position for a continuing ed. class at a nearby college and also to take over a semester for someone going on Sabbatical.  I didn't take either job.  

I guess I feel like I need to be doing more.  More making, selling, bringing in more income.  My desire is really to continue be my own boss.  But within that I would like to put myself out there more and create more opportunities to do what I want.

This includes:  

Teaching one or two day workshops around the county.
Teaching a class about Etsy.  Setting up a shop and how to sell.  (I'm actually going to be doing this soon)
Getting some more wholesale accounts.
Growing my Home Sales.
Selling more online.
Having a salt kiln firing workshop here at the studio (I did this once last year and it was great).
Get invited to teach at a craft school such as Penland, Arrowmont, etc.
Get invited to be a guest potter at one of the big Pottery Tours in the nation.

So those are all things I want to do.  I don't really want to teach in an academic setting.  The difficulty with the above list is that it's all up to me as my own boss to make them happen.  It's all work too.  But really I can do it all.  It's just I have to get on it!  I have to put it out there (like I just did).

It's really a list of goals.  Time to start meeting them.



Photos from Yesterday and Follow Up Videos

Carrying warm water to the studio.  Jugs by Doug Fitch (left) and Me.  Both glazed in my amber glaze.

Yesterday's lunch.  Homemade minestrone soup in a Robert Briscoe bowl.  Nice and warm on a cool day.

Making pizza dough to freeze for later use.


I am not going to create new videos to show the turning of the feet for the pots I made in yesterdays videos.  Instead I'll put up these videos from the past that show turning on a bowl and a plate.  It's the same technique I'd be doing if I made new videos.  Also I had someone ask what the underside of the plate looked like after throwing.  You can see that in the Cutting a Foot on the Plate video right at the beginning before I start cutting.

I want to say that I think the feet of pots are very important.  Just like the rest of the pot.  Many folks view them as an after thought or trim clay away just to remove weight from the pot.  Think of the foot as another opportunity to make an expression.  I think the foot should have some harmony with the rest of the pot but that's not a hard and fast rule.  Just like handles, there are many variations of ways to make a foot.  Look at historical pots as well as contemporary pots to find what you like and see if you can incorporate it in your work.

There are over 150 videos of mine on my YouTube Channel. I hope you'll visit by clicking HERE.  You can Subscribe while you are there and be kept up to date on any videos that may get uploaded in the future.

Two New Videos.

As promised here are a couple videos showing me using my new ribs.


Thanks to Troy Bungart for the great ribs.  These are going to last me years and get lots of use.  You can visit Troy's Online Shop by clicking HERE.

And read Troy's Blog by clicking HERE.

Just going back out now to load a glaze kiln.  Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if you have any questions.

Going on Monday

Hey, yay, it's Monday.  Well that's good I guess. Another day, another week ahead.  It snowed here a little yesterday.  First time this year.  It's sunny now, morning fog burning off.

I don't feel like I've done an 'early in the day' post in a while.  Heck, it seems like I used to blog morning, noon and night.  I miss putting things out here, but for the past year or so I've felt like I've said it all before and I worry that it's just boring or pics of pots in progress.  I'm sure I've picked up some new readers so hopefully what I do here is helpful or interesting to some.  Maybe I should just not even worry about that and just write like this blog is for me and let it go from there.  In a way that's how I am as a potter.  I make the pots I want to make and then I hope that someone else will like them enough to want to take them home and have a relationship with them.

Which is a good segue to these photos that my pal Bill in Georgia put up on his FB page today.

It was neat seeing this old salt glazed jar of mine.  It brought back some sweet memories of my early days with that kiln and the simple pots that I was making.   Bill says he keeps his keys and change in it.

Another salt glazed cup that he keeps in the bathroom.

It's neat to see these two spoonrests there on Bill's stovetop along with his vintage salt and pepper shakers.  

I didn't get too much work done yesterday like I had planned.  I started feeling a bit of a head cold coming on.  I did manage to get enough pots decorated to load and fire off a small bisque load.  I'm off to the studio now and I'll get a video shot and then hopefully get some glazing a decorating done.  

So more than likely you'll get an 'evening post' later today.  So come on back.  Have a good day everyone.



The Sunday Post

Nothing like waking from a dream of relieving oneself of a full bladder to get me to jump out of bed this morning.  Thankfully there was no bedwetting accident.

I had a fun visit with Amy and Jen last night.  We each brought a few pots to discuss.  I got some good feedback on composition on my deco and how to incorporate elements onto certain forms.

Here's the lastest box I've made

This is really a Michael Simon pot shape.  Michael's Persian Jars are pretty iconic and I don't see me working this into my lineup.  Michael threw both the body and lid of his jars.  I've handbuilt the whole pot.  The lid was made from a very thick slab that I carved out.

I'll be holing up in my studio today to get started drawing on a group of pots.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'll try and get a video shot of the new ribs in action too.  It may be tomorrow before that gets uploaded so check back in.  Thanks!

A bit of a catch up

I've been trying to find time for a post the last couple days and it looks like it's now or never.  Well, now or tomorrow.  I don't know if now is good b/c I'm feeling flustered and aggrivated but I've started so here it goes.  (I'll try and not complain or go off about anything)

First. A video from yesterday.  Enjoy.  

Kyle Carpenter turned me on to Troy Bungart a while back.  Kyle had gotten Troy to make some ribs for him and I really liked them so I contacted Troy to see if he could make a bowl and plate rib to my specs.  I sent him the profiles and received these two beauties in the mail yesterday.  Troy has many interests, pottery and woodworking are just two.  You can read his blog HERE to learn more.

These ribs are quite a bit thicker and larger than most.  I was introduced to these type of ribs by Will Ruggles and Douglass Rankin.  I've had a bowl rib or two over the years but none this nice.  I had traced the profile of Will's plate rib (the lower image is the plate rib) years ago so it's nice to finally get one.  I'll be putting these to use in the next day or so.  I'll shoot a video when I do.  

I've gotten the wholesale order I received last week all thrown and slipped.  I hope to get some decorating started tomorrow.  This past week was pretty busy.  My foot is feeling much better thanks to the night splint, insoles and drugs.  I went to yoga twice last week.  I'm really trying to go at least twice.  It's good when I do.  I've also started keeping food journal and lifting some weights during the week.  I know I haven't talked about any of this, but I'm trying to take better care of myself.  We'll see how that goes and maybe I'll write more on that later.

Sarah and I started on our taxes today. That's enough said about that.

I went to see my therapist last week.  I didn't come home and want to spin around in my chair this time though.  We talked about some of my family issues, which come up for me often and which I have explored in various ways over the past 10 years or so.  Progress seems slow in this area of my brain/heart/soul.   Anyhow, it's good to look at it.

So that's all I've got for now.  I'm excited that I am getting to spend some time with my pottery pals Amy Sanders and Jen Mecca this evening.  We are going to have a 'pot on the spot' (critique) party w. pizza and booze.  

Well that's it. A bit of a hodge podge and maybe more than you wanted to know but it's good to get a post up and hopefully I'll get another up soon.  It seems folks are coming by to visit this new site.  I have been checking my stats.  Not too many commentors though.  Which is fine too.  Maybe it would be just as well to disable them.  I have sort of fallen out of leaving many comments for others as well.  

So, see ya next time.



The House Box and a Few Pots

I had a few hours in the shop today.  Got the runners on the House Box and also slipped it.

Hopefully it will stay in one piece with no cracking at the seams.  I did hollow out those runners a little.

Also got a good start on the wholesale order I took yesterday.  I'll throw the remaining 14 pieces tomorrow.  I already had a couple of the pots on the shelves so that helped out some.


I hope you all have had a nice Valentine's Day, if you celebrate that or whatever.  I am heading to yoga tonight, Sarah is teaching and then we'll probably have dinner in town.  We had our Valentine's Dinner over the weekend so tonight could just be tacos for all I know. No matter what it will nice to share with my Sweet Wife.

Thanks for checking in.  

Nicemint and Two Boxes in Progress

I've heard Jim talk about his plantar fasciitis over the years.  He's had a terrible time with it.  From time to time he's made some very entertaining posts about it too.

Well, today I made my first ever trip to the podiatrist. I hurt my foot skateboarding back in October and it's not gotten any better.  I thought it was just a bruised heel at first but after about 4 weeks and no improvement I felt like it was something else. Yes, it's taken me this long to talk myself into going to the doctor!  I know, already.

So I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  I got an X-ray, a cortisone shot, he prescribed some anti-inflamatory pills, hooked me up with some inserts for my shoes and gave me a nicemint to wear at night.  The joys of aging.  Hopefully, this all will really help me.  I've told Sarah over and over that I don't want to be a 'hobbler' in my old age.  

I'm off to a little better start this week in the studio.  Today I got a really great wholesale order and I will get started on it tomorrow.  I'm still working on ideas for boxes.  This video shows the assembled box from the last video, plus a new slab built that I made today.  It's a pretty cool shape, like a house.  I promise I didn't rip Tracey off on this.  (I ripped off someone else!!)

Finishing up the Week

A video from late in the day on Friday.

Here's the link to the Ceramic Arts Daily site. Where you can find the image for the divider.

Or if you want you can use this image below which I have changed the contrast on so that it shows up better when printed.  (then numbers are hard to read after printing so you may have to refer to the original and write them in on your copy)


Okay, have fun!


Friday. One Pot Week.

It certainly hasn't been a productive week for me as far as getting any work made.  I made four jars on Wednesday and decided that only one of them made the cut.  So it's been a one pot week!  Ha. Not great on that front, but I did ship out several pots and tee shirts.  I also put up my pots at the Treasures of the Earth exhibit and sold some pots there at the opening.  So it's been a great week for sales!  Yay!

I feel like I measure my worth by number of pots made.  That is really not a good way to go about it and of course when I look at my time in the studio or in front of the computer or behind the camera it all adds up to quite a bit of work that I do for this business.  And all of that stuff has to be done.  It's not just about making the pots.  So I do feel good about this week.  I still have jars on the brain so today I'll give those another shot along with some mugs maybe.

Here's a jar I listed today in the Shop.

I also listed a Dropped Rim Bowl.  I have one of these at the Treasures show and I quite a few questions on it last night.

I like this next image with the apples too.


When you click on those images are the bigger ones loading fast enough for you or are they too big and slow?  I may have to resize the originals if they are.  Thanks for the feed back.

Have a good day. 


Set Up at Treasures of the Earth

This is a bit shaky and quick.  I'll get some more footage tomorrow night at the opening.

It's been a hell of a morning.  I've been a bit anxious and irritable and then Karma decides she'll tear up one of my pottery books.  I had to just leave and get away from here for a bit so I went into town and bought a new door knob set for the front door of the studio.   The old one had worn out and when I turn it the door wouldn't unlatch.  It's been very frustrating all week.  Why do I let things like that get on my nerves when I can go out and get it fixed?  Instead I wait, and wait and cuss it for 3 or 4 days.  

Anyhow, I think I feel good enough to go make some pots now.  More later maybe.

Oh, the other thing that was pissing me off this morning was not being able to get my images to be clickable in these posts.  Grrrrrrrrrr...  I called my pal Tom Gray and he helped me out. Now I can do it.  


Thanks Tom!!!

Kiln Unloading

Hey.  Happy Hump day.   Here's the video I shot of unloading the kiln yesterday.  It was a nice load of pots.  I'm really happy with all the pots.  I liked the new yunomi with the banding. I am going to hang on to them and look at them closely and see what I think I'll do next.  I can see that banding moving on to other pots now.

Most of these pots, along with more from the showroom, are now on display at the Cleveland County Arts Council here in Shelby.  The annual Treasures of the Earth show opens tomorrow night.  It is always a lot of fun with good food, beer, wine and of course loads of pottery.  If you are in the area you should come out and see it.  Reception is from 5 ish till 7:30.  

I am really looking forward to making some pots today!!  It's been over a week and I'm geting antsy.


New Tees

My new Rat t shirts are now avaliable in the online shop.  Click HERE to go to the shop.

I really like these.  It's a cool design and I like the colors.

Here's the pot that the image was taken from

(I'm irritated that these images aren't clickable, I haven't been able to figure it out. Maybe tomorrow.  Sorry)

I have a video that is uploading to YouTube of the kiln unloading.  I will put it up in the morning (Wednesday).