I had a great time at the NC Potter's Conference over the weekend. I did not do any mobile blogging like I had hoped to, but did post some to FaceBook. I am still getting used to having a device that I can use while I am not at home.
I really enjoyed all the presenters.
l-r. John Glick, Cynthia Bringle, Ronan Peterson, Martha Grover, Jack Troy, and Jake Johnson.
I'm not going to write much now. I really need to get to work. If you'd like to see more images you can view the 2012 Potter's Conference set on my Flickr page. Click HERE.
I'll try and write more later. Michael Kline and I leave in less than a week to go to Virginia and Cape Cod to present our workshops. I have pots to finish, images to organize, and all sorts of things to get together for that. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Thanks for checking in.