A Turtle and Teaching

It looks like it's going to be after lunch before I ever get to the studio today.  Which is fine, I actually think it may be warm enough outside by then to work out on the porch.  I am so ready for spring.  We have had a mild winter but I want to see some green leaves and grass and colorful flowers.

This jar went up in the Etsy shop this morning.  I need to make some more animal pots.  Over the years I've had dogs, cats, goats, turtles, and rabbits.  


Yesterday I learned that I could be considered for an adjunct teaching position at a nearby community college.  It's a new program and would be two days a week in the ceramics studio.  I don't know the pay yet.

This is causing me stress because I have really grown accustomed to being my own boss, making my own hours, and answering only to myself.  I do love to teach and I get a lot back from the students.  It can be a place of good opportunity and growth as well as some financial stability.  It can also cut into my time that I desire to travel, go to workshops during the school year, and other things that may come up that I just decide to do.  I was so happy when I quit my day job years ago.  Being a potter is really all I want to do. 

Over the past 3 years I've been offered the instructor position for a continuing ed. class at a nearby college and also to take over a semester for someone going on Sabbatical.  I didn't take either job.  

I guess I feel like I need to be doing more.  More making, selling, bringing in more income.  My desire is really to continue be my own boss.  But within that I would like to put myself out there more and create more opportunities to do what I want.

This includes:  

Teaching one or two day workshops around the county.
Teaching a class about Etsy.  Setting up a shop and how to sell.  (I'm actually going to be doing this soon)
Getting some more wholesale accounts.
Growing my Home Sales.
Selling more online.
Having a salt kiln firing workshop here at the studio (I did this once last year and it was great).
Get invited to teach at a craft school such as Penland, Arrowmont, etc.
Get invited to be a guest potter at one of the big Pottery Tours in the nation.

So those are all things I want to do.  I don't really want to teach in an academic setting.  The difficulty with the above list is that it's all up to me as my own boss to make them happen.  It's all work too.  But really I can do it all.  It's just I have to get on it!  I have to put it out there (like I just did).

It's really a list of goals.  Time to start meeting them.