Another great day and tomorrow is looking fine

Hey folks.  I hope you all are well. It was another beautiful day here today and after I got back from yoga this morning I set up out on the porch again to finish up the last few pots for the bisque.

Tomorrow I am riding down with my pal Michael Kline to go to the Pottery Center in Seagrove, NC.  We'll be attending the Potter's Palette exhibition that evening.  I'm looking forward to hanging out with Michael discussing our upcoming workshops in Maryland and Mass.  Also looking forward to seeing many of my pals in Seagrove!

I can't tell you how excited I was to watch that video on Ron Meyers and Michael Simon last night.  (see previous post).  Ron and Michael were two of my earliest heros in the pottery world and continue to be.  I saw them work together two times.  They were just full of information, ideas, stories, and really lived the life that I wanted to live (and am living now).   Sadly, Michael isn't making pots anymore due to health issues.  Ron continues on and I have lots of his pots here to feed me when I see them and use them.  I know there are other potters out there who share my love for these two men and their work.  I hope that video gets plenty of hits.

Well, it's Friday, so it's pizza night.  I'm off to the kitchen to make a pie.  Check back in later in the weekend.  I'll be unloading that bisque and getting my glaze groove on Sunday.

Cheers my friends.  ~Ron


Michael Simon and Ron Meyers

I haven't watched this whole thing yet but YBYSA that I'm going to be up for another couple hours.  Just watching Michael throw that first cup has got me mesmerized.  Thanks so much for the NCC for putting this up.  Shot in 2002 I think.

I saw these two do workshops a couple of different times.  It was amazing.  

Jar Finished

Oh my god I am so sore from Sarah's yoga class last night.  Don't tell her though.

So today I did get in the studio.  YAY!!  

I also got 6 dishes finished up and tomorrow I'll get going on some mugs.  Hopefully I'll get the bisque in by the weekend.  The Treasures of the Earth show opens at the Cleveland Co. Arts Council next Thursday.  Set up is Tues. so I gotta get these last pots knocked out and move on.


Running out of daylight

Well actually that's long past.  It'll be midnight before long and I wanted to get a post in before the day ended so here goes.

This image is from yesterday when I actually got some decorating done out in the wonderful sunshine.

This morning I went out to the studio turned on the radio and never made it back in there until 9pm to turn it back off.  I did have a good day.  It was busy getting materials ready to send out for an exhibition that I am in and then at noon I had a massage appointment.  Oh, it was wonderful!

Then on to the library then the grocery (that's 2 stops for grocery) and then home.  By then it was 3 pm and I needed to try and take a photo of myself for this exhibition stuff.  I blew an hour doing that and then I had to get ready to go to yoga.  Yes, yoga.  I've been going for the last 3 weeks.  I'm trying to go twice a week.  Sarah, my super-woman wife, teaches on Tues. nights and I love her style so I like to go to her class.  I also go to a very good class on Friday mornings.

Yoga was great tonight, Sarah worked us pretty hard.  Of course I'm a bit of a light weight and it's all a challenge for me.

Back home just after 7pm and I whipped us up dinner, chicken korma with rice.  Y U M.

After dinner and a little tv I quickly filed my forth quarter retail sales taxes on line.  Good to get that out of the way at the very last minute.

Now I'm planning on reading a bit of Hemingway before bed.  Tomorrow is all mine and I am so looking forward to having my time in the studio!!  

Thanks for reading!  See ya tomorrow. ~Ron

Updating? and New Video

Hey folks.  Hopefully this blog is now updating in those blogrolls who followed the insturctions I sent out.  Thanks to those who made that happen so quickly!

I unloaded the kiln on Thursday I think. ? This week has been busier than I expected.  I have had 24 mugs under plastic for days waiting for handles.  I had planned to work on them yesterday but I ended up sawing firewood for most of the day and was very worn out by 5pm and only wanted to sit down and have a rest.

Hopefully they haven't dried out too much to get handled today.

Well anyhow here is the video of the last pots.  I'm happy with them and I'm looking forward to the coming week ahead.  There's a bit of dodgy editing towards the end, but I had to cut out some rambling of mine.

BTW, I'll be updating the other videos on this site since the transfer as soon as I can.  

Please feel free to comment, I like to know you all are out there.  The Captcha for this blog seems to be a bit of pain for some.  I am looking at doing away with it, but I'm not sure if that would invite more spam comments.  You can always re-load the words by clicking on the arrows to the right of the Captcha box if you can't read the first ones.  

All for now.  Thanks for visiting.  ~Ron

New Pots coming soon and Thanks

I am slowly getting the hang of using this new platform.  I still have some things to learn so be patient with me as I transition.

I unloaded the kiln yesterday and have some video to edit.  I'll get to that today (I hope).  First, there are mugs to be handled and pots to be decorated.  A busy Saturday ahead.

A big thanks to those who got my email and followed my insturctions on updating their blog rolls.  We all share traffic by linking together.  I had neglected the blog roll on my old site.  I am working on my Links page for this site and will be linking to many of my fellow potters and friends soon.

Here are the instructions I sent out for those of you who may still need them.


In your Blog Roll editor Remove me from your list.
Then click Add to List and then select Add by URL
Copy and Paste the following into the box

Click Add 

"Ron Philbeck Pottery"  should now show up in your List of Blogs.
Click Save

Check to see if my Blog has been updated on your website. 
All for now.  ~Ron



New Header

Hey folks, I hope everyone is having a good week.  I was going to shoot a video this morning but got caught up working on my new header. 

So it's time to get out and make some pots, but I'll try and get some new photos or a video up here soon.

What do you think of the header image?  Too big?  Too busy? Just right?  Could be shorter?

 I'll have some more Valentine's Day Cups in the Etsy shop by tomorrow.

Check back in later for the unloading of the kiln.

Damn, I'm just noticing that Header has a pink tinge to it.  I'll work on that.


New site under construction.

Hey.  Well here I am now.  I have not gotten everything looking like I want it and things may change 2-3 times before I'm all set. 

I still have to work out my header and sidebar and a couple more Navagation tabs.

But I am here and all my content has been transferred over.
(My videos are going to have to be re-entered but I'll do that later, I just did the last couple I posted)

Okay, so come on back later, I'll be posting and you can give feedback too.

Cheers  ~Ron 

New Pots. Video

As promised.

I'm going to start transitioning over to a new space this week.  So it may be a day before you get another post.  URL will remain the same.  The new site will go up and probably will not be 100% finished.

Wish me luck.  If things go bad and all this disappears you can find me on Facebook to see how I'm coping.

Skunked and Pinned

It's a rainy day here and I've decided to work some on my new website.  I have pots coming out of the kiln today so stay tuned for some pictures either later tonight or in the morning.

We had a skunk wandering around the yard and kiln shed yesterday and Karma made it her business to round it up.  She got sprayed but not a full blast which was lucky.  Sarah got a hold of Karma while I trapped the skunk under a 30 gallon trash can.

I'm pretty sure it was sick, it was acting peculiar and actually following me around the yard once it saw Karma was out of the picture.

I covered the can and took the skunk down the road about a mile and released it.

We saw a raccoon a few days ago walking drunkenly down the side of the road in the middle of the day.  I wonder if there are some rabid animals about.

Here's Karma after she got a good bath and skunk treatment wash.

In other news I've started 'Pinning'.  If you haven't heard, Pinterest is the hot new social media site right now.  I was asked to join a couple months ago but didn't really get into it until I watched this video by Megan Auman.

So any of you out there who are on Pinterest I'd appreciate you pinning any content from my blog here or even better, from my Etsy site.  If you'd like to be invited to join Pinterest just send me a note and I'll invite you.

Lastly, I'm glad you all liked my last little video.  That was fun and it received many comments on my FB page.

Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.


WordPress has been a total pain since the beginning.  Once I got it set up I managed, but it has not been user friendly and the support sucks, sucks, sucks.

So over the next week I'll be building a new site, with new software and getting a new host.

Hopefully all my previous content will get moved over.

Off to the studio where I am in control.



Kline and Philbeck Workshop. Cape Cod.

I wanted to mention that Michael Kline and I are giving a two day workshop on Cape Cod, Mass. in March.  We are really looking forward to teaming up for this workshop.  We both have a great deal to offer and I think we are going to have a great time.  (Michael has suggested sawing me in half as the big finale but we haven't worked out the all important details on that yet) (Like making sure I get put back together).

For information you can visit the Cape Cod Potters site HERE or go directly to the Registration Form HERE.  The dates are March 17th and 18th, 2012.

We are also planning a stop and hopefully impromptu gathering at Liberty Town in  Fredericksburg, VA. on the way up to the Cape.  We have not finalized the date and time yet but will keep you posted.


We hope to see you in March.

Pots Galore. Video

I have pots overflowing in the studio right now.  It's almost time to start drawing on everything.  I think by the end of the day tomorrow that I'll have everything slipped and ready to deco.

Here's a video showing what I am juggling at the moment.

Dropped one of those tumblers right after I slipped it.  Oh, well, one less to deal with.

Thanks for stopping by and watching.

Rain and Tea Morning

It's pouring rain out this morning so I'm enjoying a little time at my desk before heading out to the studio.  I love hearing the rain on our tin roof.

Sarah and I were running out of tea so we placed an order last week and I was happy to see it arrive on Monday.

I am having a cup of Gen-mai Cha this morning.  I love this tea.  It's a green tea with toasted brown rice.  It is smooth and has a nutty taste and aroma.  I love it in the mornings.  It's like my cereal tea.

A shot from the sketch book where I'm thinking about different borders of clouds, grass, hedges.

Thanks for all the comments on the 'It's Not New and I Can't Draw' post.

I just added my final thoughts for now in the comments there so click over and read what everyone has said if you are so inclined.

Okay, time to put on my galoshes and head outdoors.