It's difficult for me to get out of bed early when the weather turns cold. It's so easy just to snuggle up and sleep in. It was nearly 10 when I got out of bed today. Not something I need to get into the habit of.
These bowls came out of the kiln just now.
I like the contrasting glazes on these a lot. I took this from Clary Illian who does this on some of her pots. I'm not sure I'll carry on with it but it will probably show up from time to time. The contrast is nice. My mantra for the last few years has been, "Keep doing what you are doing". I am very impressionable and it's easy for me to want to go off and do something different or want to do what someone else is doing. I do think it's okay to try things, to experiment and get ideas. I do have to remember what is working for me though and to try and grow on my own and in my own studio.
These are spoon rests that had some color tests on some of them.
It's been ages since I made any covered casseroles. This is one I made earlier in the week. I have to get a handle or knob on the lid today and somehow slip this monster.
You can see a little detail there around the base of this pot. I am experimenting with that line. I have put it on some cups and pitchers and vases. It's a bit of a wavey ledge. The plan is to stop the slip above it and use that ledge and the rim above as a frame for the middle of the pot. So the ledge and rim will be clean of slip. Make sense? Just something small but that could make a nice statement on certain pots.
The square trays came out of the kiln today too and I'll try and get a decent photo of them later today. Okay, back to the studio now.