Owl Dish Finished and some other pots as well

Just unloaded a glaze kiln.  Here is the Owl dish that I used the wax technique on.   It came out just fine but it does seem a good bit different to me than the carved work.  First off there's the obvious residual slip from the waxing.  I didn't try and clean this up too much before the bisque because I wanted to see how I liked it with some of that left on.  It's 'okay' , not my favorite thing though.  The big difference to my eye is that the surface is so flat.  I didn't realize how much the carved surface contributed to the finished pot.  It allows the glaze to have some high and low points and therefore reflect light in a nice way.  This pot that was waxed has none of that.

So that said, I'm not sure how much more I'll move on with this.  After a couple tries now it just doesn't seem to be 'my thing' for 'my pots.'

I had an order for a tall jar with possum, chicken, and cow images.  Here are two that I made.  The one on the right will be the one that goes.  It's got the best cow.

More plates from the firing.  All these will be going up on Etsy this week.

I had a good, full day in the studio.  I knocked out the decoration on about 25 pots.  Mostly Clothesline patterns but a few other things as well.  I'll press on with more tomorrow with hopes of getting a full kiln load ready by the weekend.