Kline and Philbeck Workshop. Cape Cod.

I wanted to mention that Michael Kline and I are giving a two day workshop on Cape Cod, Mass. in March.  We are really looking forward to teaming up for this workshop.  We both have a great deal to offer and I think we are going to have a great time.  (Michael has suggested sawing me in half as the big finale but we haven't worked out the all important details on that yet) (Like making sure I get put back together).

For information you can visit the Cape Cod Potters site HERE or go directly to the Registration Form HERE.  The dates are March 17th and 18th, 2012.

We are also planning a stop and hopefully impromptu gathering at Liberty Town in  Fredericksburg, VA. on the way up to the Cape.  We have not finalized the date and time yet but will keep you posted.


We hope to see you in March.