It rained off and on for all of the holiday weekend, heavily at times, spoiling any plans Sarah and I had to work outside. So we got caught up on some computer work, as well as napping and a couple of good meals. I made pizza one night, delicious as always.
We were pretty unmotivated on Sunday so decided, along with several hundred other people, to go to Ikea. It was our first time and very overwhelming. We got out for less than $7 and that was spent on sweets down in the cafe.
Here is my new dream office space.
Sarah posing in our new dream library.
This is not a dream pizza
I am sort of living in pottery limbo at the moment. I really need to make some dishes. It's only a couple weeks until my Penland class starts. I can't wait.
Today I have a board meeting at the Arts Council and a huge stack of packages to take to the post office. Oh, did I mention it's raining today too! Yes. Well I'm sorry that there have been no pottery posts over the weekend. I promise to get back to it soon.