
Pics from Saturday

Sarah came in yesterday and caught me glazing.


I later found her in her studio working on some jewelry.


The following pics show some pots after I've inlayed the black slip into the drawings. I can't believe I've added two more steps to my process.  Life was once so simple....



For My Vegan Pal Gary

IMG_0765As you know we make pizza about once a week.  Last night I tried a vegan version that was totally inspired by Gary.  It was pretty good.  The Rice Shreds were much better than any soy cheese I've ever tried and the Tofurky Italian 'sausage' was surprising good.

Here's the finished pie with some fresh oregano and basil from the garden. (Piggy mug by Gary Rith)

IMG_0768This is the best pizza sauce I've ever had.  It's from the book American Pie by Peter Reinhardt.

Crushed Tomato Sauce
Makes 4 Cups (I usually freeze what I don't use)

1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil (or 2 tablespoon fresh chopped)
1 teaspoon dried oregano (or 1 tablespoon fresh chopped)
5 fresh garlic cloves minced or pressed
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt , or to taste.

More Pots from Today's Firing

Squirrel. Side ASo here are a couple of mugs with their A and B sides.  You'll notice that the mug with the possum and all the other pots have black slip inlay in the incised deco.  I think I like this more than just the bare line.  First off it gives me that pen and ink feeling, and second I really like how the process of inlaying the slip dirties up the surrounding slip giving it an aged look.  I have thinned down my glaze quite a bit and I like the dry surface of these pots.  Thinning down the slip in the next batch of pots will help too I think, although these are not bad at all.

Squirrel. Side B.

Possum mug with inlay. Side A

Possum mug. Side B

Long Baker

Baker detail

Baker. Side B.

I did have a few underfired pots in this load, so I'll refire them.  I had some delayed crazing from the last load of pots.  This crazing business is driving me nuts.  I thought I'd be okay using that commercial glaze and firing to cone 07, but no luck!  So I've gone back to a Gerstley based glaze and the fritted glaze I've used for months.  These both have issues of their own,but I'm hoping that thinning them out will solve everything. (All digits crossed.)

For now I'm happy and feel like I'm moving in the direction I want.



Just got this teapot out of the kiln.  There were a number  of small changes with the decoration, glazes and firing this time.  I'll post more details and pics later this evening.  Gotta make some bowls!




Archie Bray First Ever Online Auction

Hey folks I want to pass on some info about the Archie Bray Online Auction.  Click Here to read more or Here to go directly to the auction.

I just checked it out and there is some amazing clay work up for grabs.  It's a great way to get your hands on some work by outstanding potters and support The Archie Bray Foundation at the same time.

Bidding closes at 7pm MST on Friday July 24th, so get on over there! Thanks!

A few new pots

I fired a small load of pots yesterday.  Things went well and I got some good information.  I think I'll be happier with my surface quality  if  I thin out my slip. That way  more clay will show through.  As it is now things are a bit too sterile looking for my taste.  Still good pots though.  Also I had some plates that had areas of bare clay left and I really like that.  I made some mugs today and left the interiors bare, that will be a change in the next firing.

Click for larger image


Possum bowl.


Dog mug .


Backside of Dog mug.


Cereal bowl with cow.  I do like those runny bits of glaze.


Mug with Cow.

bowl_detailDetail of outside of the possum bowl.

I have another load in the kiln that will fire off tomorrow and be out by Thursday.  I tried some black inlay in the drawn lines and went back to green and amber as my primary accent glazes.  I also thinned out the glaze a little.  Should be a whole differnt look than the above pots.  We'll see.

Friday Afternoon

IMG_0106After the tomato sandwich love fest at lunch I managed to get all the bowls from Wednesday cut and lugs onto some oval slab dishes.  It's gotta be 100 deg in the studio.  I had a bisque shut off this morning and it's scorching in there.

oval dishesI took a board of pots outside to draw on.  Here are a couple of the square dishes drying upside down on the rack.

upside down pots


Mike commented that it's about time for a tomato sandwich post. He's right, so here it is.  Aaaa, summertime.  Now if you live here in the South then these are the things you need for a tomato sandwich.  Nice soft loaf bread, a ripe homegrown tomato, salt, pepper and very importantly Duke's Mayonnaise.


Now if you live somewhere else you are excused from not having Dukes in your fridge.  If you live in the South and have Miracle Whip (God forbid), or any thing else other than Dukes for your tomato sandwiches then you need to march right out to the store immediately and get you a jar.

IMG_0109These are messy, messy.  Juicy. Pure and delicious.  Get yourself a napkin.

Public Art Project

cansI spent most of the day yesterday working with my good friend Amy.  I am helping her with a project that she is heading.  We are tiling 12 trash receptacles that will line Central Ave. in Charlotte, NC.  Above is a picture of two cans that have been installed at a bus stop on Central Ave.

We have 3 different main designs that share a common design on two sides.  Amy has been great with keeping everything organized as we work on all this in her modestly sized studio.  I'm learning so much about tiles.  It's pretty cool.

Below are a few shots from yesterday.  I worked loading kilns for a bit then started gluing tiles on the mesh.  Amy was glazing.  One picture shows a small mock up of another one of the designs.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2" orderby="ID"]

The trash cans are cast in concrete and weigh at least 300lbs.  So we have to do all the installation with them in a vertical position.

I am hoping that the members of the community as well as those who commute along Central Ave.  will enjoy the bright colors and patterns that we are bringing into the area.

Slip Tip.

I wanted some wavey action along the bottom of this larger jar so I turned it over and slipped it on the banding wheel.  I waxed the rim so I wouldn't have to wipe all that off later.  (I've had a few people tell me they didn't know you could wax leather hard pots.  Sure you can.)  I get the waves by pouring the slip from a cup.

upside down

Here's the righted jar with it's lid.  Should have put some wavy-ness on the lid too but I didn't think of that until I was finished.  Next time.


Man, what a good day in the studio.  I have no idea how I'm gonna glaze these pots I drew on today.  Ha!  I want some color on there.  Dots would be good.  ? Or filling areas. ?  I even had this spattering idea.  Yikes.  That may be a bit adventurous, and disastrous.


All in all...

it's been a very good day.  I started off making mugs and moved on to jars.  After several failed attempts at getting anything worth a hoot I moved on to 8lb bowls.  I made 6 of these, various shapes each one.


The jars will have to wait for another day I guess.  I only managed two that were 6 lb. Notice that lovely mug I drank my tea from all day.


I have LOTS of pots under plastic waiting to be drawn on.  Tomorrow all that will happen.


The porch framing is all finished up!  Shade, yay!  Now for all the small tidbits to finish it up.  But that will wait for a weekend job, when my helpers show up and only expect to be paid in beer.


Detail from one of the large bowls.


Well like a said, not a bad day.  I'm ready for a cool shower and then on to supper.  Maybe a bit of relaxation out on the porch later on too.  Good evening all.



The porch should be finished by the end of the week if not sooner.  I had a pretty productive weekend, mainly making bowls and mugs and such.   A few pots came out of the kiln.  Most of them had clothes line deco but I did have a few experiments like the bowl above.  I'm working out glazing ideas as I go.  This isn't my ideal solution, nor even my ideal palette.  I'm not quite sure how I'm going to approach this new imagery as far as glazing goes.



IMG_0083Hopefully I'll finish up two gallery orders this week and fire again over the weekend.