I don't do a ton of shows. This year I'll round out with about ten plus my 2 Home Sales. Most of the shows I do participate in are events that feature all pottery. These type of things are really good. Most require folks to pay to get in the door and people come to buy. I'm not sure what other crafts/arts do this type of thing. I surely couldn't see getting a whole show full of jewelers together. That's just asking for a fight! (All you jewelers, I'm just kidding of course)(but you know it's true)
The bottom line with shows is that we do our best to get in , we take our work, hopefully there has been some promotion along the way (by us and the organizers), we show up and hope that the buying public is there. (And that it doesn't rain all day or that there isn't a national disaster the day before).
I am seriously thinking about applying to some new shows next year. I know there are some that get good reviews and are well established. This means travel and time away from home. I just had a couple friends do the Cherry Creek show in Denver. It was torrential rain for a couple days of the event but I heard that sales were still amazing. I am looking into shows in Michigan, Louisiana, Missouri, Maryland and maybe even Minnesota. This of course means more expenses but if the sales are good and hopefully some exposure too then it may be worth it. It is a bit daunting. But some people do it all the time. For me it will be a new frontier.
I do like getting out and doing retail sales. I like seeing people and connecting with my customers. It's very hard work, dragging around all these boxes of pots, a canopy and the display. I'm re-evaluating my whole set up and what pots I want to show. I've been obsessing over a new display for about a month now. (That will be another post)
I was considering applying to ACC Baltimore for the wholesale and retail shows. I think I have almost talked myself out of it now though. I'll keep ya posted (but the application is due Aug. 1st so I better decide)
Well that's all I have to say on this right now. I'll probably talk about my display issues next. And I may share my opinion about wholesale vs consignment too. Or maybe I'll just move on to other topics all together. I had someone send me an email recently saying that if I want to focus this website to buyers then I need to change my content and layout. He said most buyers would not be interested in reading about my struggles or technical issues. I know I'm mostly writing to potters at this point and you all do care and have similar issues. So for now...