I got a bit overly ambitious yesterday making a film and taking photos and didn't get in to work on it all until late in the day. So yesterday's promised photos are going up now along with a video. The video starts off with a shot of the carpenter bees that I am doing battle with on a daily basis.
It's so good to have a nice full bucket of slip again!
All the pots I made recently are designed to take the decoration well. These slabbed bottles will get images on all four side panels.
The teapots are a new design for me. Inspired by Walter Keeler's teapots as well as teapots by Janet Mansfield, Byron Temple and Anne Mette Hjortshoj. The spouts have been waxed. There will be more red clay revealed as I etch away the imagery around the bodies of the pots and on the tops of the lids.
The little bottles are something I've had in my head for a few weeks now. I've made only 3 to see how I like working on them. I will put an image on the faces of that hockey puck shape in the center. I like the scale of these and the assembly.
Here is one of the teapots being assembled. I put a strainer in the body so that it can be used with loose tea. The curvature of that strainer also helps the tea leaves fall back away from the strainer for easy cleaning. Extruded spouts are new to me. It was a fun challenge to make these.
This last photo is for Adam who's over working with Doug. I got this hat when Sarah and I were in Durango several years ago. That's where Adam lives and makes his wonderful pots. The mug is by Blair Meerfeld who we also visited on that trip. At the time he was living in Colorado too, but now he is in Maryland making pots alongside Allison Severance. I love Blair's pots and I use this mug all the time. The handle is wonderful.
Well I really have to start getting pots in the kiln. My Home Sale is approaching fast. April 14 & 15. Today I'll finish up some mugs, make 6 more mugs and some small plates. I think that should do it.
Have a good day everyone.
PS. In the comments of the last post Andrew mentioned a PBS documentary called My Life As A Turkey. I found it HERE. I watched the first 10 minutes and can't wait to sit down and see the whole thing.