It kicked my ass doing all that drawing yesterday. My body hurt all day today. The kiln is on though and I should have pots to glaze by Friday.
Today I made some plates, bowls and dishes just really basic stuff. Oh yeah and some mugs. All for fun and to experiment with some oxides under the honey glaze.
The leaves are finally starting to change color here. Or some are just blowing off while still green. I'm not ready for winter. Blah.
It's been a weird day. Up and down. I think I'm just tired. Maybe early to bed tonight would be good. I really would like to finish all the decorating on the pots I have made. The shelves are still full or pots in waiting. I need to prioritize. I can feel my end of the year clock winding down. It's a bit early yet but I can tell I've almost made all the pots I want to for 2012.
So long for now.