Wheels are Rolling

I 'm happy to say that Sarah and I both are feeling better.  I hope that's it for my getting sick for the year!

I've slowly worked my way into the studio this week.  I threw out some junk and tidied up a bit yesterday.  I had a couple of boards of greenware that had been sitting for ages that I decided to recycle.

I have started decorating the Year of the Rabbit pots!!

I got really excited after I got the first one done!  More to knock out today and tomorrow.  These will go up on January 20th in the Online Store.  I'll try and give you another peek as I go.

I will also have a few Valentine's Day pots up.

My pal, Brad Lail, and I went to the Mint Museum on Tuesday to see an exhibit of contemporary British Ceramics.  I left my camera in the truck! so no pics.  I think I'll be going back though.  There were some really nice John Maltby trays that I want to see again.

Today I'm meeting the Thrown Together crew for lunch.  We'll be talking about our Spring Sale among other things.

So the wheels are starting to roll now.  I'll be full on track by Monday for sure.  Thanks for checking in.  I'm looking for ward to posting more often.