Something for Monday

Hey Folks.  Hard to know where to start here as I've not had a post for a few days.

The Home Sale went okay.  I really appreciate those folks who came out and bought pots.  I had hoped for a bigger turnout but it was pretty slow after the morning rush.  So I have plenty of pots left which is okay as I have several more shows/events coming up.  I didn't have to rush back out to the wheel today for sure though.

I really hope to get some pots in the Etsy shop this week too.  I'll keep ya posted on that.

I want to make some amber pots for the Thrown Together show on Oct. 2nd.  I think I'll shoot for a few bigger jugs and maybe another large platter.  I enjoyed seeing the pot above in the showroom over the weekend and feel like I'd like to have some more.

I am waaaay behind on reading blogs.  I just open my Reader and get overwhelmed.  There is just so much out there.

Well, thanks for checking in. I'll try and write a more uplifting or at least interesting post later on.