Saturday Out

Sarah and I went to the Potter's Invitational today at The Mint in Charlotte.  It was such a good show.  Tons of pots.  I didn't take tons of pics but here are just a few from Fred Johnston and Carol Gentithes booth.  Carol makes these amazing sculptures that are covered in decals.  I love them!!!  We have to have one someday.

Of course I went right to the beaver....


IMG_1530Fred had made a big beaver jar too...

IMG_1527 We chatted a lot and saw many fellow bloggers including: Kyle Carpenter, Bruce Gholsen and Samantha Henneke, Ronan PetersonRon Slagle and  John Ferraris.   (I hope I didn't forget anyone.)

So it was a great day.  No fried chicken though, I just couldn't talk Sarah into it, but we did have a healthy Vietnamese meal.