Where's My Breakfast?

367px-pitcher_iznik_louvre_oa7595 I managed to get about half way through my studio clean up yesterday.  I swear Karma has sheaded off enough hair to make another small dog.

I've also been pouring over books and internet sites looking at Iznik pots and imagery and at German folk pots.  I expect to be making some work later in the week, maybe, and playing around with new ideas from these sources.

I made a few pots at Penland with botanical deco. and I think that may be a direction I take for a while as I explore my animals in my sketchbook (instead of on pots).    The two will probably merge later.

I'm sure I'll come no where close to the beautiful palette of those Iznik pots.  I'm gonna be busting out some of my old glaze tests searching for a blue that I like. ( I wish I'd played around with more of those Amaco glazes at Penland).

I still haven't completely unpacked my truck.  All my tiles are in there and I want to get them out and have a look again.  I'm meeting my clay pals Amy and Jen tomorrow for a couple hours to talk pots.  I look forward to that.

Okay well, it's time for breakfast.  For some reason it's not ready and waiting on me here like it was at Penland......bummer.