Coming to a Shop Near You....Eventually...

yunomi_washlineI've been sorting images for the last hour.  I want to get together a packet to send out to a few galleries.  This is something I keep putting off, but I've got to just do it.  I've also updated my resume today and I need to work on my artist statement a bit.

I need to just set a goal of getting this done this week. Okay I will do this by Thursday.   I will send out 6 packets by Thursday.  Somebody needs to hold me accountable, who wants to take that on??

I don't really have my work in any shops outside of North and South Carolina.  I have a list of several but if you all have suggestions send them my way with a website or contact info.  That would be awesome.

Another goal for the near future is to put out there that I want to teach some one or two day workshops.  I've done a few, but I really want to get out there more.  I have a great time doing these and I feel like I'm good at it.  So if your group is looking for someone send them my way.  I want to put out a packet for this too.  I feel like I have a lot to offer in several areas.  I have my whole background on salt/soda firing, raw glazing and single firing, my current way of working and making pots, blogging, selling online, selling from home, building a local clientele and probably more that I can't think of right now.   Plus I'm fairly entertaining, and I can talk and throw at the same time.

Okay enough for today.