Wednesday. Yea!

Man it's a beautiful day here today.  We've had lots of rain so everything is green and growing. (Look at all that grass I get to mow).

The dogwood trees are in full bloom in this part of the State.  The dogwood flower is the State flower for North Carolina.Dogwood Tree Flowers

I unloaded the bisque this morning and will be getting to the glazing shortly.   The 'blank canvas' came out, not so blank any more.  I'm going to put a thin coat of glaze on this so it won't be too super shiney when it comes out of the kiln.


I'm really interested to see if where I go with this color business.  I feel like I'm wanting some color on the pots with the drawings but I'm not sure how I want to do it.  It really feels good though to be open right now to just about anything.  I can see going with slips/underglazes, or maybe colored glazes or washes.  Not sure which appeals to me and there's lots of testing and a learning curve of course.  So basically....make pots, have fun, continue the journey.

Another thing is that I'd like to make some 'larger' jars and platters.  Not like gigantic, but like 20 lbs maybe.  I don't know.  So if I'm going to draw on these I have to either break up the space, like with the panel jars, or come up with a larger line.  Different tool.  And I just feel like those larger pots are going to need some color. ? Maybe.

So on to glazing.  I'll have some finished pots out in the next couple days.  I'm looking forward to taking some of the painted work to show my pals this weekend and get feedback.

More later maybe.