Salt Kiln


All loaded.  The majority of these pots aren't even mine.  I have 10 dinner plates, 10 luncheon plates and 2 animal jars in there.  All the other pots are Jen Mecca's and a few folks from Clayworks.  I have been putting this firing off forever b/c I didn't want to make a whole load of pots for the salt kiln.  I did have the order for the plates though so there was the need to fire.  It's been about a year since I've fired this kiln.  It was nice to get outside and load.  The day wasn't too cold and the sun was shining.  I did make sure to light the burners and do a good all around check before I got started.  Everything seems to be in working order.  I'll preheat over night and fire in earnest tomorrow.img_0287