The Universe

universeMy wife Sarah is a big fan of  The Universe.  She's always saying,  'just put it out there to the universe and see what happens.'  Or, 'Trust the universe'.   Or something like that.  It's worked well for her over the years.  I put most of my faith in chaos theory...mainly because I feel like I'm running through time with no direction.

All this does have a point AND it's pottery related.  (sigh from Dan and Hannah and others).

So I didn't register this year to go to the NC Potter's Conference.  I go almost every year.  This year I didn't think I had the resources or the time.  So yesterday I got really frustrated that I wasn't going.  I thought, I really need to be putting myself and my work out there, I need to be talking to other potters, making connections.  The Conference is a good place to do all this and to see some great potters making their work. Plus some blogger buddies are going to be there!

I sent out an email to my friends saying  how I could just kick myself for not signing up and after I called to see if I could get in I found out there was no more spaces.  Aggggggggrrr.

To get to the point... my friend Julie overheard another studio potter at Clayworks mention last night that she couldn't go to the Conference and wondered if she could find someone to take her spot.  So Julie calls me at 10 pm to tell me and now I'M GOING!  Yea!!!!

On top of that I called my pal Gary this morning, who I knew would be going, and asked if he'd share his hotel room.  Once again the Universe said "Yes".   Totally cool.

So I'm all set to head out. It's gonna be fun.  Phil Rogers, Allegheny Meadows, and Mark Pharis are the presenters.  Simon Leach is there too.  I'm taking some new pots to put out for sale and postcards for my Spring Sale, maybe I'll drum up a little business.

We'll see if the Universe throws something else at me while I'm there.  Have a good weekend.