Back in the Groove

It was a beautiful day here today.  I think it must have been in the high 60's all day.  I worked with the studio door open and let the sunshine in.  After lunch I took a little siesta out in the yard.

Molly hung around all morning.  I think she actually slept behind the studio last night.  She and Karma seem to be getting use to each other.

Karma and Molly

I got all the stoneware plates and two jars out of the way first thing this morning.  After working up some earthenware I made some yunomis and some mugs as well as a few pitchers and some 10 lb platters. (next post).


It feels good to be getting back in the groove.  I'm going to  concentrate on getting a kiln load made this week.  That way I can fire next week and hopefully get some new work in the Etsy shop.
