Hump Day


It's been quite a while since I've made any spouted pitchers.  I remember after going to a  Jeff Oestreich workshop with Tom Gray years ago.  We both went back to our studios and made J.O. inspired pots. (As I'm sure many other participants did)  Anyhow, lots of potters make something similar to these and mine are not totally original at this state by any means.  I'll have to get them all slipped up and drawn on in a day or two.

Ron's dishI'm taking 4 different herbs that my acupuncturist recommended as well as one prescription med. daily.  I need something to keep all those bottles in so I made this wonky little dish for myself at the end of today.

I've got all the plates footed and things from Monday slipped and ready to deco.  That will happen tomorrow.  It's been a good week and still two days to go! Yea.