New Start

Monday and Tuesday have been productive days. Here are just a few of the pots I made on Monday. I also made some shallow ovals, mugs, tankards, and oval vases. On Tuesday I threw some new cereal bowl shapes, dinner plates and small mixing bowls. It's nice to just get in the workshop and make pots that are uncomplicated. I am trying to work slowly, meaning 'slow wheel', showing movement in the clay, gesture, 'the hand of the potter'. I'll get some images of those cereal bowls up later and you'll see what I mean.
Today, Wednesday, I have to go to Charlotte and then on my way home stop by the grocery. Everything is wrapped up in plastic out in the workshop since I won't get in there till late. I hardly ever work evenings but tonight may be an exception. My Home Sale is in a few weeks and I'd like not to fire at the last minute.

I am reading a great book, A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. It's a fiction set in India in '75 during the State of Emergency. I am a little over half way through. Last night I came upon the passage in the book from which the title is taken. "You see, you cannot draw lines and compartments, and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success. You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and dispair."

Also I have been listening to
The Current from Minnesota Public Radio. Great programming.

I was turned on to the book and the station by Linda Christianson. I hope you'll check them out.