Week's End

I ended up with a whole flock of birds on pots this week. Tall jars, deep footed bowls, and new, deeper, tripod bird dishes. These two teapots inspired 6 more that I made today. I think this is a good sized pot. We have a Svend Bayer teapot that I love to use that is about this size.
I had made some bottles similar to these back in the winter when I was experiencing some trouble with my kiln. None of those came out very good so I thought I should try some more. I really like the one's with the double facet. I would like the make these a little more shapely next time, not so straight up.
I also threw some sake sets, mugs, and plates. Today was my last wet day, I'll finish up the six teapots over the weekend and get things bisqued next week. My Home Sale is June 23 and 24. It's been a good week, I'm really happy with all I got made.