Home Sale and Upcoming Firing

My Spring Pottery Sale is Sat. March 25th 10 until 5 and Sun. March 26th Noon until 4. The new showroom will be finished by then and I'll have lots of good pots. I plan to fire a last minute load the week of the sale. This firing will include 6 large jars as well as some smaller vases and bottles along with my regular fare. I hope the big pots make it through the firing okay, they are made in two sections so I hope they don't come apart. (knock on wood). I'll be posting some pics over the next week as I finish things up, load the kiln, and fire. So check back often.
I hope many of you will make it to the Sale. I am excited about my new space, it really looks great. I feel like I'm 'uptown'.

Today, I'll be mixing up some clay body tests. I have in my mind what I want, it's just a matter of finding the right balance of materials to get the results I want. I am really drawn to pots with a slightly heavy coating of salt/soda glaze, a wet looking surface, some areas that are 'blasted', and nice flashing. This all comes from several factors, clay body, how the kiln is stacked, the amount of salt/soda that is introduced into the kiln, and kiln atmosphere,just to name a few.