
Time Matters

I worked all day yesterday decorating 20 or so pots.  It was a nice day so I worked out on the porch.   I  had the layouts penciled in on most of the bigger pots so it was just getting down to the etching and carving.  Spending 8 hours just on decoration for 20 pots seems like a lot but I've realized that I have to spend this much time to get what I want out of my work.

I've always striven to make good pots and I feel like one of the things I learned early on was that I have to put the time in so that I can  good pots out of the kiln.  Where the time is spent varies on the pots and the firing.  I have friends who put in hours and hours of work in developing glazes and testing them before they ever go on a pot.  Likewise, some woodfire potters spend days stoking wood into their kiln.  Hours of cutting and stacking wood and loading the kiln have been spent before the fire is ever lit.

When I was making salt glazed work the firing dictated the end look of the pot.  I spent time on the wheel to prepare for the firing and little happened between the pot coming off the wheel and being loaded into the kiln.  The firing was very important and I payed a lot of attention to atmosphere, how much sodium went in the kiln, cooling time and other factors.

Now with an electric kiln I spend so much more time on the pot before it ever goes into the kiln.  The kiln is really giving me nothing, I'm setting up what I want to happen before the pots go into the firing.  These days I can pretty much see what the pot will look like before it's ever fired.  I know if I like the pot soon after I make it and decorate it.

My point in saying all this is that time matters.  Where you spend that time working on your pots matters.  Whether it's in the making,  formulating the glazes, applying the glaze, stacking and firing the kiln, post firing effects, etc you have to dedicate some real time and effort into getting good pots.

The kiln is clicking away out in the studio as the bisque reaches temperature.  Tomorrow I'll unload and spend a good part of the day glazing the pots to go back into the kiln.  My main glaze has to be brushed on to avoid any problems and get the final look I want.  It takes so much more time to brush the glaze than it did when used to just dunk the pot in a bucket.  It's time I have to spend though to get what I want and I'm happy to do it.


Clay Matters Spring Sale

Thanks to everyone who came out to visit and to buy pots this past Saturday. It was a very good day for me and I'm thankful for all the support and patronage.

Turnout for the sale was very good despite the cloudy skies and bit of rain we had.


This cute guy was very happy with his Goat sticker.

I am working on pots today for the Joara Pottery Festival which will take place this Saturday in Morganton, NC.  Click HERE for details.

Then on May 28th I'll be at Tom Gray's Pottery in Seagrove NC for the Osmosis Pottery Sale.  More on that to come soon.

Big is

back and as bad as ever!

I made this big (ish) pot today. But it was heavy, heavy.  And not v. good form.  It was fun to make but not really worth keeping.

I also made some espresso cups today!  Those were fun...and small (pics tomorrow).

I had a very nice visit with Gail Turner from Cape Cod today.  She and her friend Lee came by this afternoon.  Gail was one of the folks who was instrumental in getting Hannah and Doug over for the workshops.  I was a bad blogger and didn't get any photos.  It was a pleasure to meet Gail in person finally and to get to know Lee, who lives in Durham, NC.

Quiche in the oven right now made w. local eggs, herbs and asparagus!  Yum.  Cheese too, but it's not local.

Thanks for all the fun comments about shoes and the dress and all that!!  Ha! Good times.



Life is about Balance.

I've been up and down quite a bit over the past few weeks.  Putting on Hannah's dress was definitely one of the 'up' moments. Ha!

Things are good right now.  Thanks to everyone who commented on the last post and those who send me emails.

It helped to get back in the studio yesterday and make a few runs of pots and have another go at some larger pitchers/jugs.

I'll get the handles on these today.

I've been reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  I had read A New Earth a while back and it's good to get into his first book to see where some of the material was first presented.  Tolle's ideas jive up with my fondness of Zen/present moment teachings.  Being in the Now/Present is good practice for me.  Not allowing my thoughts to be in control or to get stuck in the past/future is helpful. It's hard for me to write about this, but the point is that I feel better when I am in the moment and not allowing my thoughts and emotions run my life.

Also, on a very happy note, I think I found a place to get totally cool socks!!  I checked the Ted Baker website last night and found all these.  I am totally digging the Sentos and a few of the others.

Sarah is encouraging me to get some sort of appropriate summer shoe.  I can't find any type of sandal that I like.  I used to have this great pair of Birkenstocks that were made for water.  They discontinued them b/c they were prone to tear at the straps.  Since then nothing has suited me.  I have some Chacos that I hate.

I did break down and buy some flip flops last week!  What was I thinking?  I almost wore them out in public yesterday but couldn't bring myself to do it.  They are strictly 'around the house' wear.

My perfect summer shoe would be blue in color, slip on, no back strap, nothing between my toes, water friendly, easy to rinse off with the hose, comfy, not a clog, and nothing some frat boy would be wearing.

Okay well, that's quite a range of things covered in this blog post.  See, that's what you get when I go AWOL for a week.



Pulling a Fitch

After watching Doug make several jugs while he was here it's only fitting that I felt the need to have a go at a few.  Doug makes it all look easy and it's really fun to watch him make a big jug all in one go by using the weedburner to speed things along.

I made these two today and they seem okay for the most part.  They are about 11" tall and rounder than most pitchers I usually make.  I used the burner and got them this far.

I'm going to let them rest over night before coating them in slip.

I haven't really felt like blogging too much to tell you the truth.  After having Doug and Hannah here for so long it's not very fulfilling to be here in the virtual world. " There's nothing like the real thing baby."

I'm sure I'll get back in the swing of it as time goes on.  I'm struggling with being a bit down and I feel like one of the best things I can do is practice being in the present moment.  Maybe I can blog about that.  Well, we'll see.  For now it's back outside for some time w. Karma and then off to the Gallery Crawl in town.

Cheers everyone!

First Post in Weeks

It's been two weeks to the day since I met up with Doug and Hannah at Kevin Crowe's pottery in Va.  The time has flown by and there is way too much to say about what we did and where we went.  I'm sad that they are gone and I could have done with more time with them just to myself.  It's going to take another day or so for me to get back to work.  I can't imagine how tired those two must be after spending a month in the States getting moved around from place to place and giving workshops every weekend.


Most of the trip has been documented in some way or another on others blogs and Facebook pages.  Ang Walford did a great job of shooting video and photos and she has posted some of that already.  You can also see pics and video on Hollis and Dan's blogs, Meredith Haywood's site and via Tracey BroomeHannah and Doug even found a bit of time to post themselves.  Becky Story has some great pics on her blog as well.

There are a bunch of pics HERE on my Facebook page.

Okay, well that's all I can muster at this time. There will be more. For now I just feel like thinking, not writing.

Deco. Video

I shot this short clip on Wednesday of some pots getting the pencil layout.  Today  I got all of those scratched in and loaded in the kiln.  Still more to do...whew.


The Thrown Together Spring Sale is April 30th.  I am going to have lots of new pots, many for flowers.  Stay tuned for some finished work coming out of the kiln next week.

Good Stuff

Loads of new stuff arrived today.  Below is a photo and video.



Pretty cool eh?

I first saw Scott Garrett's work on my pal Matt Grimmitt's blog.  Scott did an illustration that had one of Matt's jugs included in it.

Later on I found my way to Scott's website and then his blog.  Scott is in the first stages of learning to make pots.  I love his illustration style and his sense of humor.  That mustache is pretty cool too.  Scott has an affection for folk pots from the American south. It's pretty cool seeing how someone in England is taken with US pottery much like I am with pots from their country.

Thanks for the prints Scott. I love them and they are going to get framed and put up in the house.

I'm pretty excited about my little self published picture book.  It will be a good asset in the studio.  I'll probably order one for my mom too.  She'd like that.

I'll talk more about the Michael Simon book later on. I've looked through it once and read a bit of it.  It really slowed my mind down today, just thinking about Michael, his pots, the way he works etc.  I met him several times, saw him make pots, went to his and Ron Meyers' pottery sales and even visited him at his home once.  Special memories.

Well, Sarah and I are headed over to Ni Fen for some wine and tapas.  It's been a sunny, beautiful day after a long damp week.  I hope you all have a great weekend.

A Little Play Goes a Long Way

In this short clip I talk a bit about coming up with ideas through trying new things or playing around.


I mention a post by Carter Gillies in the video.  To go to that post on Carter's blog click HERE.

Lots of feet to turn today and slipping too.  Then the drawing begins!!