
Discussion and Quick Post

It's been a busy day and I wanted to check in real quick.

First off. There is a good discussion going down in the comments of the last post. I've yet to chime in but will tomorrow, hopefully it won't be dead by then.

Today I drove to Asheboro to for the closing of the From Within to the Surface exhibit.  There was a "Lunch and Learn" program and I was there to talk.  We had a nice group and several friends came from Seagrove.  I also got to meet Linda Starr who is up for the Clay and Blogs show which opens on Friday.

I'm pretty pooped from all the driving today so that's it for now.    Don't forget to check out he good comments in the last post and add to them if you wish.  Thanks.


Last week someone asked me if it was relaxing to me to sit and draw on pots.  I immediately said "no, not really".  I didn't feel bad about saying this because it was the truth and I didn't need to say otherwise.   I told her that the most relaxing part for me was making pots on the wheel.  That's really what I'm pretty good at and what I can get into.

The next part of the process, the decorating is still hard for me and I find I put it off until I am in a good frame of mind and ready to commit to the task.  Otherwise I make bad decisions and mistakes.

Saturday I had a whole kiln full of pots to decorate but I only got a 6 or 8 pots finished.  I didn't feel well, it was scorching hot, and I found myself feeling resentful about all those little leaves and flowers that were going on those cups.

Sunday I was better.  I set up my station on the porch.  It was cool and rainy and I found that I got into a groove of what I wanted to put on each pot and they all went fairly quickly.  I made a little breakthrough on some tankards that made my day and I look forward to those pots coming out of the kiln later in the week.

This morning I'm out here finishing up 6 plates and then I'll be ready to get the bisque going.

I don't know anyone who loves every aspect of their work.  I like certain things better than others.  I don't hate any of it.  I am fortunate that I get to do what I want to do, which is be a potter, making pots and putting them out there in the world for others to enjoy.  I do find that if there is something that drives me crazy I am smart enough to stop it.  Or find a way that works better for me.  No need in torturing myself.  Challenges are good and push me in new directions.  It's recognizing where I want to go as I move forward, not being afraid to change, or backtrack a little that keeps this job interesting and fun.

Have a good week everyone.  The Thrown Together Fall Sale is this Sat. in Charlotte.  Look for more details to come.

Sat. Morning Video

Sarah reminded me yesterday that I still have not put any new pots on the Etsy site.  Sorry about that.  I really do promise to do that.  I will even go as far to say that I will post two new pots today!! (Okay Ron you better just do that right now or you'll put it off and look like a dork).

A quick video of the pots I made earlier in the week.  I have these as well as a few pitchers and bowls that have been waiting to be fired.


I do wish I could sit down here and right some sort of super meaningful post right now,but I should go take those pics for Etsy and get back to the studio.  Thanks for checking in.

Cup Show Online

The 2nd Annual National Cup Show is online now.  Click HERE see the slide show.

If you select "show info" on the slide program menu it will show the makers name, price etc. I've got 2 cups in the show and it was fun to see quite a few of my pals cups in there too.  Go check it out.  Thanks.

Ron Ware. Ron Wear

I learned how to screen print this week!  I've always wanted to do this so I finally broke down and bought the materials needed.  It took me 3 tries to get my screen properly exposed and as you can see I've printed one tee shirt and I need to work on my technique a bit (getting more ink on the screen for a better print.

I also practiced on some shipping boxes.

Not bad! Ha.

So as soon as I order some shirts you'll have a chance at getting some Ron Wear.

It was fun to learn something new and I can't wait to get a few more screens so that I can make some more designs.

Learning Something New. And Learning

I have been feeling a bit messed up for the past few days but I think I have all my brain chemicals back in balance today!  Yay for that.

I didn't make any pots today at all.  I've been trying to learn something new and I'll let ya know how it's going in a day or so. (Still things to do).    Has nothing to do with clay by the way.

So, tomorrow I plan to make some pots.  I am very excited about the Thrown Together Fall Sale which is Oct. 2nd in Charlotte.

So just to keep it interesting (maybe) I'll recall something that happened this weekend.

A lady came in the shop looking for a gift for a couple.  Now this person comes in once or twice a year and she has several of my pots.  Well, she went on about how she wanted to get the couple something useful.  She told me how she had some of my baking dishes and how much she loved them.  All the pots she has are my salt glazed pots.  She asked if I had any bakers with owls drawn in them. No I didn't.  No bakers at all really.  Okay so she went on about the useful thing for a while and I just felt like she was saying that my new (not so new anymore) work wasn't useful.   This got my defenses up because I do want my pots to be used but I do know that now that I've started decorating more (overkill sometimes) that my pots seem like objects to put on a shelf.  Which is fine.  I do have my worries and hangups about all this coming from my past background and voices in my head. (stupid voices).  I do want to be a functional potter but I've got to face it I've moved into a different arena.  I'm not making plain salt glazed stoneware anymore.  I'm actually really happy that I'm not doing that because for once I'm happy with where I am and what I'm making.

Anyhow back to the lady.  She had to have something with an owl on it.  I had a great serving bowl with an owl,  $94.  She said, can they put it in the dishwasher?  I said sure if they want to put a $94 dollar bowl in the dishwasher. (stupid defensive voice).  I showed her a couple more things and thankfully Sarah came in and saw I was a bit worked up and took over with her.  While I went into to the studio I saw an oval vase that Sarah had put flowers in that morning.  Low and behold it had an owl on it!  I took it to show them and the lady loved it and bought it right away.

I don't think she caught on to my defensive part coming up or my frustration with not being able to find her what she wanted.  Really this isn't about the lady at all it's about me reacting to how I feel like she perceived my work, as decorative, expensive objects.

I have worried that I've lost some of my local customers by changing my work and up-ing my prices because of all the labour involved.  I have lost some.  But really I have to say that this has been my best year ever that I've been making pots.  No, I've not made more money than ever but I am happy with my work and I've gotten some good recognition and positive feedback from folks in the field.  I feel great about that.  This other stuff is prone to come up and that's okay.  I can't do the same thing forever.  I've got to grow and I feel like I am so that's good right?  I'm happy the customer left happy too, it's important to me to have a connection with people buying my pots.  I do need to learn to talk more about what I'm doing now and hopefully bring some folks along with me.

Hey, I don't think I've written anything that long in a while.  If I keep that up, Jim will have some competition!! Ha.

Something for Monday

Hey Folks.  Hard to know where to start here as I've not had a post for a few days.

The Home Sale went okay.  I really appreciate those folks who came out and bought pots.  I had hoped for a bigger turnout but it was pretty slow after the morning rush.  So I have plenty of pots left which is okay as I have several more shows/events coming up.  I didn't have to rush back out to the wheel today for sure though.

I really hope to get some pots in the Etsy shop this week too.  I'll keep ya posted on that.

I want to make some amber pots for the Thrown Together show on Oct. 2nd.  I think I'll shoot for a few bigger jugs and maybe another large platter.  I enjoyed seeing the pot above in the showroom over the weekend and feel like I'd like to have some more.

I am waaaay behind on reading blogs.  I just open my Reader and get overwhelmed.  There is just so much out there.

Well, thanks for checking in. I'll try and write a more uplifting or at least interesting post later on.

Showroom Preview

I'm getting all set up for my Home Sale which is this Saturday from 10 am till 4pm.  Here is a video from today showing the state of the showroom at this point.  I'll get all the pots set up and looking nice before the sale starts.  You'll see there is a lot of pottery here so if you are around the area please come by.  All first quality work will be 15% off Saturday only.


Address for the sale is 757 Wallace Grove Road, Shelby NC 28150.

Juror's Award

I found out this morning that the bowl below was chosen as the winner of the Juror's Award of the 3rd Annual Lillstreet International exhibition.  The show closed yesterday.  The juror was Steven Young Lee, the resident artist director at the Archie Bray in Montana.

I've never won anything like this before so I'm pretty excited and very honored. Plus I'll be getting some $$!!  Sweet!

Visiting Tom

Earlier this week I got to spend some time at Tom Gray's pottery in Seagrove.  Tom and I both have a passion for pizza.  Tom out did himself by grilling us up a pizza for supper.

Boy was it delicious!!!

Tom has 9 or so of these beautiful New Hampshire Red chickens.  I'd never held a chicken before.  Tom surprised me with his lighting like skill of snatching a chicken up by the feet and handing me the bird.

Loads of Great Pots.

I went to the Mint Museum Pottery Invitational show today.  I was officially there as an assistant to my pal Ronan Peterson.  It was an amazing show with 40 of the best potters in the State. (I'd like to be invited soon, hint hint (if anyone is reading this that has any pull)).

I didn't take too many pics but here are a few.

Kyle Carpenter had a huge display of his salt fired work.

Here's a partial shot of Ronan's booth.

And Blaine Avery's turtles

I bought a Shawn Ireland mug, which I am having tea out of right now.

My good friend Amy Sanders was there for the first time this year too.  She's been out of the pottery show circuit  for a while after having her second child but you sure couldn't tell it because she had a booth full of her signature work.  She's certainly back in full force now.

It was great to catch up and chat with most of the potters there that I knew and I also saw several of my friends from Clayworks.

It's been a crazy week and I've more to blog about but it's gonna have to wait b/c Sarah and Karma are ready to go for a walk.

From Within...Opening

The opening for our exhibition From Within to the Surface was well attended Tuesday night at the Randolph Arts Guild.  Thanks to everyone who came out and for the staff there who put on a great reception.  I had a great visit with Tom Gray (he kept me well fed) and I also got to catch up with Meredith Haywood from Whynot Pottery.  Joseph Sand also came out which I really appreciated and it was good to chat with him about his successful pottery sale.

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Announcement Friday

I've sort of fallen behind on announcing some things here, so I'm gonna try and catch up all at once.

My Fall Home Sale is Sept. 18th from 10 am till 4 pm here at the Pottery.  To receive a notice be sure to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar.  I'm going to have lots of new work including the money boxes and tall footed bowls.  All first quality work will be 15% off that day only at the studio.

If you haven't heard, my pal Michael Kline is having an online sale today! Click HERE for more and get over there and buy some pots!

Thanks to everyone who participated in my contest for the pottery group name.  We are now officially know as Thrown Together and will be having our Fall Sale on Oct. 2, 2010 at Amy Sander's home in Charlotte, NC.  More details to follow but put it on your calendars now.  Hopefully we'll have a blogspot and FB page soon.  Our guests this fall will be Kyle Carpenter and Allison McGowan.

Ayumi Horie is still taking votes for your favorite pot in action photo over at her website.  To see the images click HERE and you could help me win by voting for my photo!!! (see image below, vote for me!!!)

The opening reception for the  exhibition From Within to the Surface is Sept. 7th at the Randolph Arts Guild in Asheboro, NC from 5:30 till 7:30. I will be there so please come out if you are in the area.

And don't forget The Clay and Blogs Online Gallery is up and running.  Click the image below to check it out.  I have a Chicken Money Box for sale.  You could be the first to have one!!!

Okay that's all I can think of for now.  Thanks for checking in and remember to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar and also go and vote for my Pot in Action HERE!!!

Scratching Away

Busy day here finishing up drawing on pots and getting a bisque loaded.  This pot didn't make it in the kiln this time.  I have one more of these 15" dishes to decorate and I hope to get these along with some larger platters in the next load.

Check in later for some announcements and such.

Off to mow the lawn.

From Within to the Surface

The exhibition From Within to the Surface opens today at the Randolph Arts Guild in Asheboro, NC.

Featuring new works by Ron Philbeck, Jennifer Mecca, Julie Wiggins, Amy Sanders, Greg Scott and Adrienne Dellinger.

Opening reception Sept. 7th.  5:30pm until 7:30 pm.  I'll be at the reception. If you are in the area I hope you'll come out.