I really enjoyed
Allison McGowen's workshop yesterday. Allison hand builds all her pots. I have never been to a workshop that did not come from a throwing perspective so I learned a lot. Not once did she add any water to her pots, only slip at the joins and that was applied neatly from a squeeze bottle. The aspect of staying as clean as Allison did during the making really appealed to me. Man, sometimes I get really tired of being so dirty.
Below is an image of Allison finishing up a pillowed bowl form. This pot starts out upside down as a slab draped over a soft mold. All the texture is created on the slab before construction begins.

The slabs were made by throwing and stretching them out on the table. No slab roller. I was impressed at the control she had over making the slabs. Lots of practice. The slab below is the start of a teapot.

Allison was a great presenter and I'd certainly recommend going to any workshop or demo that she gives. I'm looking forward to getting back in my studio this week and trying my hand at some slabbed spouts as well as trying to make some jar bodies.

By the way, all this work was made from porcelain clay.
Jen Mecca and I were amazed at the stretchability and workability or Allison's clay.
Below are a few of the pots Allison brought to show.

It was great to meet Allison, she doesn't live too far away so I'm hopeing that we'll be seeing more of her in the regional clay community.