
Ants in my Pants

Here's a funny, slightly disturbing thing that just happened this morning.

I usually undress downstairs and fold up my clothes by the foot of my desk if I plan to wear them again  thenext  morning. (like jeans and overshirts, not that I'd wear my underpants two days in a row).

So last night I took my jeans and folded them and placed them on a pair of 'pottery' jeans there on the floor. Then I was off to bed.

This morning I got up and put on the jeans that were on top of the stack. After walking around for a few minutes my legs started to itch and sting. Weird. So I pull them off and see little ants up and down my legs. Aggggggh. Right?!

I go back and look beside the desk and see a thick line of ants coming in from under the exterior wall and disappearing into the 'pottery' pants (those being the pants covered in clay that I worked in yesterday).

I go get the insect spray and douse the little rascals as well as both pair of pants. I check the pottery pants and found I had left an empty wrapper from a pack of peanut butter crackers in the pocket. (I ate these yesterday). Over night an army of little ants had come in under the wall to carry off the crumbs!!!!

Well they are all dead now! And I've got ant bites on my legs. Ouch.

So there's a lesson learned. Don't leave food in your pockets.

I hesitated a little before deciding to share this b/c I don't want you all to think we live in a nasty bug infested house. We don't, but we do live in a house that's built on a slab in the middle of field so we do get the occasional mouse or snake as well as spiders and bugs coming in from time to time.

That's all.

Salt Pots

ACC_boothFor those of you who have just joined in over the past year, you may not know that I made salt glazed stoneware for a number of years.

I found this picture of my booth from the American Craft Council show on my camera card just now. It's from a few years ago.

I love the warmness of these pots and the variation of the surfaces.  I'm going to be firing my salt kiln in a few weeks.  That will be fun.  I have missed stacking a bigger kiln.

That said,  I have found a part of myself in this work I am making now that I had been repressing for many years.  I feel like switching gears, making new work, gave me the freedom just to let go and be myself.  I think these earthenware pots are certainly going to keep developing.  As are the drawings.  And the surfaces.  I am feeling really happy with what I'm doing. More so than I have in many years.

Adding Coils

I took my slabs off the plaster this morning and cut and refined the edges.  I added a coil to the top of this round bowl shaped slab to make a nice rim.  This ribbed texture is something I've seen around a bit lately so I thought I'd give it a try.


I've made these square dishes in the past but it's been a long while.  I'm going to try and get 3 or 4 in this next firing.  No coil rim added here, just the handles (which started out as coils)


Same thing here on this big oval dish.  I love these.


I'm not sure what I'll do with this guy.  The rim will definitely get some treatment.  This is a big flattish oval.  I've only made a couple of these.  It may need some sort of foot too.  ??  We'll see.


I had four, six pound bowls that I added a coil to and threw feet on.  I like this technique as it gives me plenty of clay to work with and allows me to really give the foot some expression.


You've probably noticed if you click the images they will open up in another window with a description, if I take time to give them one.  If you click them again in that window they will load again as a bigger image.

New toy.

Rotring Art PenI finally broke down and ordered myself a Rotring Art Pen last week.  I am enjoying  using it more than the PITT pens I normally use.  It's not as scratchy as a dip pen (which I like) but it is portable and less messy than the dip pen.

Today is MINE

kitchen jar detailI have all day to myself.  Yea!

My acupuncture appointment was amazing yesterday.  She worked mostly on my left elbow which has been giving me major problems for about 6 months and been a minor issue for years.  Tuesday night I really botched it and could barely move my arm Wednesday morning.  Today it feels much better.  I'm going to have to take it easy and I have another appointment in a few weeks for more needles and cupping.

I looked back in the archives to see what I was doing a year ago today.  Mixing clay!!  Too cold out there for that today.

I am planning on writing  a post soon about my first year in earthenware and the Switch from salt glazing to what I'm doing now.

Well for now I'm off to do some drawing and then out to the shop.

Have a great Friday everyone.


rat_cropSarah and I had a great anniversary yesterday.  Thanks to everyone for all the warm wishes.

I'm feeling a bit ratty this morning.  Not ratty like this cute guy.  Ratty like- chew someone's face off- ratty.  Ha!  Anger and frustration can be a real eye opener.  Anyhow, just thought I'd put that out there.  No worries though.  It's good to be shaken up now and again.

Moving right along...I've got pie plates to decorate this morning and then I'm off to see my acupuncturist.  I am looking forward to some relaxing time on the table with little needles poking out of me!

Morning of photos

3_galsI had a nice morning with three of my best pals photographing some pots.  I had the light box all set up and Jen, Amy, and Julie came over toting pots to be shot.  We had lots of laughs and a good lunch to boot.

As you can see Julie had official photographer duties.


Good. No one has wrote in yet calling me a whiner and telling me how good I've got it.

In the short time I got out to work, I realized that what I'm frustrated with is that I say 'yes' to things that I don't want to sometimes.  Things at the Arts Council are taking a good bit of my time.  I've volunteerted to head up the committee for a new event we're having and I'm seriously regretting it.  Anyhow, I'm there a lot it seems, or more than I'd like.

I am fortunate to be able to work at home and more or less spend my time as I wish.  I was in the shop for a brief time this morning and got plenty accomplished for that block of time.  That's probably all I'll get today as I have to head out to teach later.  I do enjoy teaching and I'm looking forward to that.

Off to town....

Tuesday Morning.

ayumi_horie_mugI'm having some really nice green tea out of my favorite Ayumi Horie cup this morning.  Hum, its almost empty, be right back.....

Okay, had to get the kettle on.

So, it's today.  Aghhh.  I have two meetings this morning at the Arts Council and I really just want to stay home and make pots.  Of course I could be out there right now getting an early start, but it's cold and I need my morning time.  Oh, the kettle is ready....  This second infusion will be nice.

As I was saying...my morning time.  Writing and drawing in my journal, having tea, getting warm.  I need to do that for at least an hour right?  And then check in on the blogs real quick, and well then it's 9 am and I'm beating myself up.  I still have my second cup of tea to go.

If I could get up earlier.  I'm rambling.  I know. I'm gonna drink this tea now and try to be in the moment and not give myself a hard time.

A Good Monday


I had a good, productive Monday in the studio today.  Too bad the rest of the week is chopped up with meetings and other engagements.  It was really nice just to stay here today and work uninterrupted.

I footed and decorated the plates I made last week and also slipped the ones for the salt kiln.  Also made some mugs, pie plates and a few other odds and ends.

I textured a couple of these plates before decorating them.  It looks good to have something other than the smooth background.  I'm not sure how this will play out after I stain and glaze them.  Also played around with a big floppy brush that Brad brought me back from China.  I am loving that thing.  I'll have to remember to photograph it this week.


What else???   I messed around over the holidays with some underglazes.  I painted a couple cups and boy were they colorful.  I may make a few more just for fun.  I'll put them up if I do.

Time to make a couple pizzas for supper.

Dinner with Friends

Sally and ScottWe had a fun dinner with our friends, Sally Jacobs and Scott Temple last night.  Of course we ate off all handmade dishes.  Quite an assorment there.  It was a fun night catching up with them.   They just had a baby, little George.  He snoozed throughout all of dinner.


Over the past few weeks I've received some really nice gifts.  I've shared some already, like the cups from Tom Gray and the clay and mug from Doug.

I'm really blessed with many good friends.  Thanks to you all for the gifts.  Here are a few more things I've gotten lately.

Brad made it back from China and brought me this wonderful Yixing teapot.  I've always wanted one and I treasure this one since it was brought directly to me from China.  He also gave me some nice teas as well as some carving tools.  Thanks Brad!

Yixing teapot

Doug surprised me with this little handled bowl.  I went on about these when I saw them on his blog so it's totally cool to have one.  I love handled bowls.  This one is made from the Hollyford clay that Doug digs near his workshop.

Handled Bowl

This cool ornament was made by my pal Jen Mecca.  It's hollow inside and rattles if you shake it.  It had a fancy, glittery cord but I took it off  for some reason.  I'm going to string it up in my shop.Ornament

I just got this mug last week.  Some friends from Charlotte made a trip to England last year and they visited Paul Jessop.  Paul sent me this little mug back with them.  I love the simplicity of the finger wipes and the rich amber glaze.  It's my first P.J. pot!

Paul Jessop Mug

No snow here in Shelby yet but this little ornament from Hannah gets me in the mood for some of the white stuff.  Thanks Hannah!

Ornament by Hannah McAndrew

Michael Kline and I did a gift exchange at Christmas and I got these two beauties.  Michael's work is like nothing else we have.  The surfaces on these are truly unique.  I had a nice piece of pecan pie off the bird plate last night.

Michael Klein PotsLike I said, I do feel very fortunate indeed to have such great friends out there, many of whom I've met over the past couple years here on the blog.  Thanks to you all for the great gifts, Sarah and I will treasure them and use them for years to come.

I sure hope I didn't forget anyone.


I did quite a bit of drawing over the past couple weeks.  Well, I wish I'd done more but I do think I've started on some good ideas.


I haven't put any people on pots yet.  I guess I'll try it.  I guess I could give the animals more human abilities.  I don't know yet , I'll just have to try some humans out and see what I think.


I'm working on a series of drawings of house hold things.  Furniture, kitchen utensils, appliances, clothing and such.  I'm fairly domesticated you know.


Good to Be Making Pots


Guess who got back to work finally?  ME!

I am going to fire the salt kiln in a few weeks and I have some orders for some plates.  So I made these luncheon plates with what stoneware clay I had.  I'll be making the dinner plates when I get more clay next week.  The rest of the kiln is going to be filled with pots from friends.

Then the ole' switch a roo back to earthenware.  Nice and smooth and soft.   Ahhhhhh.


I made myself a new water bucket a while back.  I put it into use today.


And lastly, ten dinner plates and an odd serving bowl and small bowl.  It will be nice to get the feet cut on these so I can slip them and do some drawing.   Yea!!


Now time to go wire the closet lights.

Closet Progress

Closet_progressI didn't get a ton of work done today.  After a two hour meeting at the Arts Council today I went by the hardware for more lumber.  My dad came over around 4:30 and helped me build the short wall on the angled side.  I ordered a door today too.  (Brandon will probably notice I haven't put the header in for it yet) (minor detail I over looked as we plugged along this evening.)

Anyhow Sarah is on her way home from a long day at the office and will happy to see the progress.  Tomorrow I'm gonna wire in some lights and build that header.  Then it will be on to enclosing the stair well. Then drywall.....

Mary Wondrausch Slip Trailers

Thanks to Hannah McAndrew for introducing me to this type of slip trailer.  This is the type that Hannah uses in her work.  This trailer was thought up by Mary Wondrausch, a very famous slipware potter from England.  You can learn more about her in her book, On Slipware.

These are all the parts needed to make a trailer.  A length of bicycle innertube, a mechanical pencil (I used .7mm), a binder clip, some wire, glue, and a cork that will fit snugly into your innertube. (with a hole in it big enough to accommodate the pencil diameter)img_3666

I used the Dremel tool to dissect my pencils. Cutting them off and then removing any unnecessary inner parts.


I drilled the cork on the drill press (easier than trying to hold it with a handheld drill) and then glued the tip in place.  (The Gorilla Glue is a bit of over kill for this job but it's what I had on hand)

cork and tip

Next, the cork is inserted into the tube and secured with wire.  I twist the wire with pliers to really get a good grip.  (This is an upgrade from Hannah's model, which used smaller gauge wire.  I used 12 or 14 gauge electrical wire)


Here are two finished trailers.  The top one that I made and the bottom one is the one Hannah sent me.

Finished MW Trailers

These trailers extrude a very nice line of slip.  The slip must be sieved well through a 100 Mesh screen.  They are filled through the back end all the way to the top.  The innertube is folded over allowing any excess to spill out into a bucket.  Secure with the clip and wash the mess off the outside, then you're ready to go.

The slip  need not be too mixed to thinly as it will only drip through the tip.  I am learning what works and what doesn't through trial and error.  You could certainly move up to bigger diameter tips.

I don't do much trailing in my work but I do love the technique and have enjoyed playing with this tool.  My class at clayworks made several of these last night and we are all going to be learning to use them together.