kristen kieffer


Simon Levin and Lloyd Cledwyn have launched a new resource for
ceramic artists. can become a great resource full of useful information that we, the ceramic community build and maintain.  Who better for the job?
I hope you'll make your way over there and contribute, add new information, refine articles or just browse the site.  I'm working on my Artist page now and will add more to it  soon. I also hope to help in some other way by sharing my knowledge or experience.

In addition to Simon and Lloyd, Kristen Kieffer is on board as a moderator.   Help spread the word to others by posting about WikiClay on your Facebook page, website or blog.

Catching up.

No potting since Thursday.  I met up with my clay pals, Julie, Amy, and Jen on Friday for a bit.  We talked about what each of us has been working on.  It's good to have this stable, local base of potter friends who I can get together with for support and encouragement.

Sarah and I have been painting our upstairs all weekend.  We are practically finished. Just a bit of touch up to do.

I've been thinking about my influences.  Most of them are potters or historic pottery, esp. Oribe ware and English Slipware.  But I also try to look at other things.  Recently I've been looking at woodblock prints.    Here is one by the famous Japanese printmaker, Shiko Munakata.

I'd like to do a post this week on something I've been struggling w. regarding influences and where my current work is going.  Until then I'd like to recommend this post by Kristen Kieffer.  It's titled 'Signature Style' and Kristen did an ace job writing it.  Be sure to visit the comments there too, because there's lots of good insight there too.

Well that's all for now.  I'm off to do some cooking at a Super Bowl party.  I don't care too much about the game, but I'll help keep some folks fed so they can make it through the big game.