
Video Tour

Here's a tour of one of our cupboards.  I had fun doing this and I'll do another one soon.


Sorry I used the word 'nice' so much.  I didn't even notice I was doing it until I got finished and watched the video.

I didn't realize the camera timed out about 2 minutes before I finished. So I just faded out at the end.  You only missed about 3 bowls, I'll get them in next time.

Thanks for watching.  That was fun.

New Plates

A  few new dinner plates and images of the footrings so you can see how I am now putting drawings on the backsides.

Click for larger image.[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2" orderby="ID"]

I'm heading out in a bit for my class at Penland.  I'll be posting as I can through the week.  See ya!

When it Rains it Pours....

and then everything decides to dry out at the same time and I have to play catch up. After a week of rainy weather the sun came out for most of today. All the pots in the studio seemed to reach leatherhard at the same time and needed footing, handling, and slipping. Things got shuffled around a lot and at the end of the day most everything was slipped and ready for deco. (and back under plastic).
I had a nice text chat yesterday and today with Doug and Hannah and today was even introduced the the infamous slipware potter Paul Young. That was a treat. I also have another treat to post about but have to take some pics first, so stay tuned for that.

Several customers today which was a nice surprise and a good way to end the week. The bisque kiln is cooling so maybe I'll get some things glazed and fired next week.

Speaking of glazes my latest test was promising, so it will get a bit of further testing and maybe a small batch mixed for some cups and bowls in the next load.