
Two Firsts

I baked homemade buttermilk biscuits from scratch this morning.  My first time.  They came out okay I think.  Maybe could have been a bit more fluffy, but they tasted good.

When I was in Seagrove for the Osmosis show I stayed with Anne and Adam.  Adam got up one morning and made biscuits.  I secretly watched him from the dining room and made a note that I'd try it when I got a chance.  I liked that Adam cut his biscuits into squares so I went that route this morning.

I also made sausage gravy to go on the biscuits.  I didn't take a pic, sausage gravy isn't very photogenic.

Another first is this Butterfly dish.  I've put a Butterfly on a tray along with a Bird and Flowers but this is the first pot with a solo Butterfly.

It went up in my Online Shop this morning.

Unloading the kiln later. Stay tuned for more images.