I want to let you all know that I now have some pots at
Mudfire Gallery in Decatur, Ga. Only a small selection presently but hopefully I'll have more there in the future.
Also, my work will be available at the Rivercross Market in Valle Crusis, NC when they open this month. Hopefully there will be more info on their
website soon.
And finally I've been asked to participate this year in the
Lillstreet Holiday Sale. I'll be sending them 20 pots in November. I am very excited to be part of this event.
Speaking of Lillstreet Art Center, the 3rd Lillstreet International exhibition is online. The exhibition is entitled
Bowl Me Over and I have two pieces in the show.
Click HERE to view.
Tomorrow, Friday Aug. 2oth, I am going to announce a
CONTEST. Here is another video of cutting a foot, this time a little bit bigger bowl and taller foot. Enjoy.