Doug's Film

I hope you'll Click HERE right now and watch this short film of Doug Fitch.  Wow, it's really a gem.  Sarah and I visited with Doug and his family in September.  The country side where Doug lives and works is truely a magical place.  Doug took me out to the clay pit and I even stood there with him and blogger Andrew on that bridge.  Good memories for sure.  Hopefully I'll get back before he gets too famous and make a few pots with him.  Kudos to the film makers, this is a fine piece of art.

New Pots

IMG_2009I unloaded these pots today but they won't be here long.  Tomorrow they will be heading up to Crimson Laurel Gallery along with a few other things that I had set back.  My pots seem to be selling well there.


IMG_2011Did more handy-man stuff around the house today too.  Swept the chimney and cleared the gutters this morning.  After lunch I finally fixed the leak in the shower.  Sarah will be soooo happy that's done.

And I got some pots made, 10 cups and 10 plates.  Not a bad day all around.

Back at Work

IMG_2001That looks pretty bad doesn't it?  Ha.  Well I'm happy to say I got it all back together and the dryer is rocking now!

I'm getting back into full swing this week.  I've been a bit off lately due to us going out of town for a couple days during the week last week and just dealing with some emotional stuff that has caused me tons of tension.  I feel better for sure.

From now until Christmas I'm going to be cranking.  Still a couple shows to do and a gallery order to fill.  I have some personal orders too.  So, there's to be no slacking.

I sent a big box of pots to NC Crafts Gallery in Carrboro today.  If you are in the area be sure to go by.

I am also taking more work up to Crimson Laurel Gallery in Bakersville,NC this week.  That work is actually in the kiln right now.

Speaking of galleries I'm looking for some new outlets.  Anywhere in the country.  If you have suggestions leave me a comment with the name and any details, website included.  I'll send them a packet and see what happens.  Thanks!!!!

Repairman Ron

I made the mistake of starting the day off with attempting to repair our clothes dryer.  Its a stackable unit and I the element is burned out.  It's taken me most of the morning to go get the element and to start tearing the thing apart.  I need to be out glazing.  Hum, I think I'm gonna take a break from playing repairman and get that done.  Actually, I'm a bit stuck anyhow and I think I'm gonna have to pull the whole unit out into the kitchen to continue. (It's in a pretty tight space).

Yesterday I went to the ClayMatters Pottery Guild meeting.  Barbara Chadwick-Bland gave us a great handbuilding demo.  We have a couple of Barbara's pots in our home.  She made one of her houses yesterday. Barbara is very casual in her approach.  I would have been measuring and mitering and all that junk, Barbara had the roof on before I knew it!



This is a good Guild and I need to try and make more meetings.  As matter of fact, we voted yesterday that members must attend at least two meetings to be eligible to participate in the Guild pottery Sale.  I think this is a pretty good idea, because the Guild is more than just a pottery sale, it's about sharing and community.

Okay I gotta go glaze. More later.

My Wednesday Day


My pal John shot this image of my booth at the ClayMatters Pottery Sale Saturday.

Today I trimmed and slipped pots but not until after an early morning pottery photo shoot with Jen Mecca.  Jen drove up after dropping her kids off at school.  We had a cup of coffee and then photographed a bunch of her pots.

Later in the day I had a visit from my friend and fellow potter, Ralph from Charlotte.  He was on his way back from dropping off some pots for a soda firing in Old Fort, NC.  We had a good chat while I slipped some bowls and plates.

Wish I'd taken some photos of my visitors.   I've gotta get back in the swing of blogging.

Back Online, & Back to Work

IMG_1924Things are a bit hectic around here as the week begins.  I am happy to be back online at home though.

I think today is the only day of sunshine forecast for the week so I am trying to take advantage of that and move these pots on through the process.  I am in charge of hosting a reception tonight at the Arts Council so most of this afternoon will be preparing food and getting ready for that.

As far as pots and business I am very, very happy!!  I had 3 shows in a row and each one of them was amazingly successful.  I am excited about the pots I am making and I am thankful to those who are supporting me by buying them.  The showroom is almost bare, which is a first I think, and I have a large supply of clay now.  So I will be making, making, making from now until December to get ready for more shows and orders. Thanks again to eveyone who came out and saw me at the shows and out to the Home Sale.

All for now I guess.  I have lots of blogs to catch up on, but that will have to wait till later.  Cheers.


Back online.  I should be back to my old posting self  here soon.  I got a gallery order yesterday and they want it double quick so I'm back out to the studio to throw.  Check in later, thanks for hanging in there with me.

A Few

animals_smI'm scamming the Internet signal outside of the senior living facility a few miles up the road.  Here are a few things that came out of the kiln today.  I'm all packed up for the show tomorrow.

T_owl_smBetter run before I get busted by someone's grandpa!  Happy Friday.


Show Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Saturday Oct. 10th, I'll be at the ClayMatters Pottery Guild Fall Sale.

For more info. click HERE and for directions click HERE.

I've got new pots coming out of the kiln tonight including a couple teapots, the new animal candle stick holders, serving bowls and a few little trinkets.  All of this will be with me tomorrow plus much, much more.  I'm expecting those teapots to be especially good.  I hope you'll come out and see me tomorrow.

I'll also be dropping some new work off at Lark in Key in Charlotte on Saturday.  If you get Ceramics Monthly you can see a great ad for the Lark and Key Gallery in this months issue. (Look for one of my washline plates in the ad).  If you're in the North Davidson district of Charlotte please stop in and see them.

Still no internet at home so I probably won't get a new post up until late Saturday or Sunday.  We'll see.


ShiningMurderIf I could have reached through the phone last night and this morning I would have strangled the people from AT&T and from EarthLink.

I think I'll have internet service at home on Monday.  Hopefully I'll stay out of Federal prison until then.


IMG_1872I made this amazing steak and Guinness pie last night.  We have this saying, "It's so good it'll make ya smack ya mama!"  Of course none of use good Southern boys would ever smack our mothers.  I guess the saying means that it's so good that you go insane and are libel to do anything.  That's how good this pie was.

IMG_1874Sarah was in charge of the mashed potatoes.  Brandon Phillips made the plate.

Working on some phone lines this morning.  We should have our DSL back by Friday (fingers crossed.)

IMG_1878I have a bisque cooling overnight so glazing on Thursday and then firing again for the ClayMatter's Sale on Saturday.

Time to head back home from the library, I think I have one cold Guinness left in the fridge.

Animals Drying


I've got these critters in the kiln this morning trying to get them dried slowly before my next bisque.  I have teapots and bowls to draw on today to.


It's slowed down a bit compared to last month, but things will pick up again next week.

We are going through a phone line transition at home so no internet there till tomorrow (I hope).  For now I'm coming into town.  That means less posting and less email checking so I should be getting more work done right?  Right.  Off I go.  Have a good day.


IMG_1866The bird figures where the first things to sale this past weekend.  I started off today getting some more roughed out.  I'll probably try and have 6 or 8 for the sale this weekend.  I plan on expanding to more animals including turtles, goats, and owls by the time the holiday season rolls around.

These guys will get their beaks, wings, etc by the end of the day.

For more images from the Circle sale you can visit HERE and HERE.

Circle Sale

IMG_1864We had a beautiful day for the annual Circle of Eight Fall Pottery Sale yesterday.  Thanks so much to everyone who came out and thanks also to those who helped spread the word about the sale on blogs and Facebook.

IMG_1865I did't get many good pics but I know there was at least one other blogger there with camera in hand (thanks John).  So if there's pics on jbf pottery later I'll link it up.

All for now.  Ready for a relaxing Sunday with Sarah.

Just a Quick Note

IMG_1732No new pottery pics to show at the moment, so here is a mother cow and her calf that live in the pasture behind our house.

I'm all psyched up about the Circle of Eight Sale tomorrow.  It's gonna be great to see what everyone's been working on.

I have some ceramic materials coming in the mail next week.  What could it be?  Well, something new in the works for sure so stay tuned.

I'll be sure to take lots of photos tomorrow so come back soon.

Just out of the Kiln

IMG_1854Cups with undies and socks.

IMG_1856I took the subtle hint from Michael Kline and added more leaves to this design above.  Next time, I'll use more green.

IMG_1857Owls. Hoot, Hoot.

IMG_1858Misc. pots.  A couple satin  matt tests there in the corner.  I'm going to use these on my animal sculptures.  You can see the bird there has the green on it.  The bird had already been dipped in white slip.  Those tests are on bare clay and I like the color better.

I'll pack most of these pots up to go to the Circle of Eight Sale along with tons more from the showroom.  I have some really nice work so I hope if you're in the area that you'll make it to the show.

Below are two side handled teapots I made today.  It's been ages since I've made these.


Firing Nightmare

nightmare-on-elm-street-freddy-headshot-smallI had my first bad dream about the electric kiln last night.  I used to have them all the time when I was firing the salt kiln.  In my dream last night I opened the lid to the kiln to find most of the pots melted and glaze all over the shelves that had run off the other pots.

The kiln is still cooling so I won't be able to open until later today.  Hopefully it was all just a dream.

Operation C.U.P.

My friend Arthur Halvorsen in Boston came up with a great idea recently.  He is encouraging folks who love pots to gift a handmade cup to their best friend.  This in a effort to share all that we love about hand made pots and hopefully turn some people on to that experience.  Arthur is calling this Operation C.U.P. (Citizens Using Pottery)

To find out more visit Arthur's Fan Page.  He has several posts there talking more about Operation C.U.P.    I especially liked this one by Laurie Erdman.


As potters I think sometimes we take for granted the enjoyment we get from using handmade pots.  I know I often think everyone must have great cups in their cupboards.  A few years ago we stayed in some friends beach house and I was so disappointed in finding all  boring, commercial, industrial, dishes in the cabinets.  The next time we go I'll be sure to take a few pots to leave behind.  In the mean time I'll follow Arthur's movement and gift a cup to someone.   Spread the love.

Part 3.

IMG_1826_smJust a couple notes on the all important mailing list.  I use Excel to keep things in order.  I have columns for First and Last Name, Company Name (for galleries and such), Address, Town, and zip code.  I also have a column for updating when that person bought the pot or visited the pottery or a show last.  That way I know who's who and if I haven't seen or heard from them in 3 or 4 years then I delete them.

Email is also a great tool and it's cheap!  I use Vertical Response to keep my customer email lists.  The email sign up on this blog also goes to my Vertical Response account for me to use.  Other programs such as Emma and Constant Contact are good too.

I really believe in the power of marketing directly to people.  I use the postcards and email campaigns to advertise my Home Sales.  Of course now days this blog is a great advertising tool as well as FaceBook and my Fan page on Facebook.   I've never had any luck with advertising in newspaper or on community bulletins on local radio.

I have used the local newspapers in another way other than buying an ad.  I've called the Lifestyles editor on a few occasions to get them to come out with a photographer and do a story on me.  This gives them something for the paper and it's free advertising for me!

One more marketing tool is a Newsletter.  I did this for several years and it worked great.  I got the idea from Joe Bennion in Spring City, Utah.  Joe is a pottery hero of mine and I had seen his newsletter a few times before I finally contacted him and got on the mailing list.  A newsletter is a way to get more information to the people.  There's also more room for photos.  We used it much like Joe does, as a way to talk about the pottery but also to talk about our lifestyle.  I liked the real personal nature of it and people really responded to it.  It does take some time to put together and takes a first class stamp so postage is more than postcard.  So it's a bit more expensive in printing costs and postage.  We did it twice a year for a while and then once a year.  I'd like to do another soon.

Okay, well that's pretty much all I've got for now.  I hope this was helpful in some ways.  If I think of more I'll post later on in the week.