ron philbeck

Pottery Weekend

There are quite a few pottery events happening this weekend.

I'll be at the ClayMatters Pottery Guild Fall Sale on Saturday Oct 9th from 10 am till 4pm.  8300 Monroe Road Charlotte NC.  You've seen most of the pots that have came out of the kiln lately here on the blog.  Come by tomorrow and see them in person.  I'll have tee shirts too!

Ayumi Horie is having her annual fall Sale this weekend in Cottekill, NY.  Her guest is Kristen Kieffer.  If you are in that area then that's an event not to be missed.

Also the Spruce Pine Potters Market will feature many of my pals from that NC mountain region.

Try to get out and support your local potters this weekend.

Announcement Friday

I've sort of fallen behind on announcing some things here, so I'm gonna try and catch up all at once.

My Fall Home Sale is Sept. 18th from 10 am till 4 pm here at the Pottery.  To receive a notice be sure to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar.  I'm going to have lots of new work including the money boxes and tall footed bowls.  All first quality work will be 15% off that day only at the studio.

If you haven't heard, my pal Michael Kline is having an online sale today! Click HERE for more and get over there and buy some pots!

Thanks to everyone who participated in my contest for the pottery group name.  We are now officially know as Thrown Together and will be having our Fall Sale on Oct. 2, 2010 at Amy Sander's home in Charlotte, NC.  More details to follow but put it on your calendars now.  Hopefully we'll have a blogspot and FB page soon.  Our guests this fall will be Kyle Carpenter and Allison McGowan.

Ayumi Horie is still taking votes for your favorite pot in action photo over at her website.  To see the images click HERE and you could help me win by voting for my photo!!! (see image below, vote for me!!!)

The opening reception for the  exhibition From Within to the Surface is Sept. 7th at the Randolph Arts Guild in Asheboro, NC from 5:30 till 7:30. I will be there so please come out if you are in the area.

And don't forget The Clay and Blogs Online Gallery is up and running.  Click the image below to check it out.  I have a Chicken Money Box for sale.  You could be the first to have one!!!

Okay that's all I can think of for now.  Thanks for checking in and remember to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar and also go and vote for my Pot in Action HERE!!!

What a Great Day.

This morning I drove up to Penland after having made plans earlier in the week to meet up with San Francisco ceramic artist Diana Fayt.  Diana is spending a few days in NC between teaching workshops at Mudfire Studios in Georgia.

(Ron, Diana, Michael, and Lillian)

I've known Diana via the internet for a few years and I was delighted to get to sit down with her today and chat about pots and all sort of other things.  Michael Kline was there for the day too and we three knocked around Penland School for several hours, having lunch and visiting the Gallery during a super heavy downpour.

Diana makes amazing work and I've always been in awe of her etchings on her pots.  Of course with Michael and I both around we had to talk about blogging and selling online and all that techie stuff.  Diana busted out her i-Phone a few times to show us some cool photo apps and to record the rain falling.

We headed over to Crimson Laurel around 5pm to look at all the amazing pots in the gallery there.  I then had to head back down the mountain in time to cook dinner and get some pots glazed and into the kiln.

A bit more on all this tomorrow.  Now it's time for me to hit the sack.

Weekend Photos

Sarah and I had a productive weekend working on the house.  We finished painting the stairwell and got the handrail up.  That scaffolding is approved by Worker Safety Organizations in India and Jamaica. Photos below from around here this weekend. Click for larger more complete image.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2" orderby="ID"]

I feel like I'm almost out of my 'slump'.  I get into this funky place and start questioning what I am doing fairly often.  I go over and over what I could be doing differently, how the work could change, comparing to others (not productive at all),and getting frozen in doubt and fear.  I had a little break though last night just by looking at some photos of my recent work and realizing that I am where I am at the moment.  The only way to move forward is to work, pay attention, and enjoy what I'm doing.

So today I have lots of drawing to do and a few pots to throw.  Best get to it.  Have a good Monday everyone and thanks for visiting the blog.

One Yunomi. Two Yunomi

A while back I said in a post that I didn't make yunomi's any more because they didn't sell well.  That was a bit of an exaggeration and Carter from Georgia (who reads the blog) commented on this statement and how it seemed at odds with some other stuff I had written. (The making pots that are almost guaranteed to sell).  Anyhow I couldn't disagree with Carter (he's much too smart for me, and logical too).

What I may have meant was that in the past I made loads of yunomi and possibly my supply exceeded any demand for them. Especially in Shelby.

I made these two  recently and was very pleased with both of them.   I like the wide feet and the straight sided-ness of them.  They feel good in the hand. I also have one decorated with an Owl, but I've kept it for myself!

I've listed both of these in my Online Shop.  You can see a few more views of each there. SOLD

I'm sure I'll be making some more yunomi soon.

Quick Studio Ramble


I spent the better part of the morning at the Cleveland County Arts Council helping hang the Mystery Art show.  Opening is this Thursday.  These are all 5" x 7" works.  Each is selling for the super low price of $35 (or maybe $40 I can't remember).   All proceeds go to the Arts Council.  The show should be online, where you can also purchase, sometime Friday.

I had 4 entries.  Here's one.