Tomorrow I fly out to Pennsylvania to teach a workshop over the weekend. I put the final touches on a PowerPoint show last night. It follows my earthenware journey from it's beginning in early 2008 up to the present. It's pretty cool to see the progression that the work has taken. All for the best I'd say. Still I have ideas and desires about where things are going next. I wish there was a way to share this online. It's too big for Google docs.
I'm shipping out some Ronware today. Pots off to Seattle and Minneapolis. I love knowing my work is out all over the place. And that folks are using and enjoying it in their homes.
I got an exciting email earlier in the week. I have been invited to participate in the Lillstreet Holiday Show and Sale at Lillstreet Arts Center in Chicago!!!! Yea, what an honor. I'll be shipping them around 20 pots in early November. I really want Sarah and I to go to Chicago sometime, maybe in the near future.
All for now, but there may be another post later.