
A Nice Day

The ClayMatters Spring Sale was yesterday and I had a successful show.  Thanks so much for everyone who came out to visit and those who bought pots.  The weather was sunny and warm .  I have a nice spot in the shade so I didn't even take my canopy.

I've simplified my set up over the last few years.  I have sort of a fancy display that I use for high end, indoor shows.  But the set up above is easy, quick and light.  I use hollow core doors (recycled) on fold up plastic saw horses for my tables.  These are draped and I have home made shelving and racks on top.

This bowl stayed around until the last hour of the show and then was sold.  It was one of my favorites from the last firing.

I blogged about it before in this video about foot treatments.

I have plans to list pots  on my Etsy site over the next few days.  Check back in here for updates.

A Few New Images

I unloaded a great group of pots this morning.  These little creamers are brand new and I've already sold the two on the right.  Looks like I'll have to make more. (Click any image for larger view)

I tried out quite a few new ideas in this load.  I think I tapped into my feminine side with some of these glaze colors.

Below, Running Dog small plate.

A small plate with  Flowers.

I was happy with this Side Handle Teapot too.  I like the contrast with the unslipped clay handle, lid, and spout.  It has the Laundry Line wrapping all the way around.

Side A

Side B

There were many more but they'll have to wait.  I'm getting all packed up for the Claymatters Pottery Guild Spring Sale which is tomorrow from 10 am till 4 pm at the McAlpine Business Park 8300 Monroe Road. Charlotte NC 28211.

I'm In a Book

Techniques Using  Slips by John Mathieson is out. And guess what?  My work is in there! Yey. I've never been in a pottery book before*.  I'm so excited.  Thanks to John for asking me and for being so patient when I had issues with my photos (over and over).  Any how here are a few photos from the book.  These were taken from Doug Fitch's blog. The book is on sale in the UK HERE.  It's avaliable for pre-order in the US HERE.

Here's my bit.

Here's Doug

And the cover

I can't wait to get a copy.

Off to unload the kiln now. Pics up later!!!

*I was in a karate book as a teenager.  I can't remember the title but I was photographed demonstrating punches, kicks and attacks.

Glaze Day

Pots to glaze today.  This would take no time if it was a 'dunk in the bucket', one shot deal.  But my base glaze gets brushed on. Two coats.  Then all the color glazes get added on top of that.  So it will probably take all day to get this table full glazed.  Off I go!


Found this cold blooded fellow hanging outside the studio on Sunday.  He was directly below the eve where the blackbirds have their nest.  The little chicks have been chirping up a storm for about a week and I know they are gonna hop out any day now.  I'm not sure if this snake was going to climb the wall or what but he looked like he was headed in that direction.  I carried him about 300 feet up the drive way and let him go across the yard into the woods.

One Yunomi. Two Yunomi

A while back I said in a post that I didn't make yunomi's any more because they didn't sell well.  That was a bit of an exaggeration and Carter from Georgia (who reads the blog) commented on this statement and how it seemed at odds with some other stuff I had written. (The making pots that are almost guaranteed to sell).  Anyhow I couldn't disagree with Carter (he's much too smart for me, and logical too).

What I may have meant was that in the past I made loads of yunomi and possibly my supply exceeded any demand for them. Especially in Shelby.

I made these two  recently and was very pleased with both of them.   I like the wide feet and the straight sided-ness of them.  They feel good in the hand. I also have one decorated with an Owl, but I've kept it for myself!

I've listed both of these in my Online Shop.  You can see a few more views of each there. SOLD

I'm sure I'll be making some more yunomi soon.

Friday. Some Decoration

Below is a gallery of some images from today's decoration session.  Click for larger, more complete images.  These are all in the green ware stage and will get bisqued soon.  There were some cups and vases finished up today too.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="ID"]

Slipped Up

The side handle teapots are all slipped up.  I'll draw on these soon.  I think they will work well.  The angle of the spouts are better in real life than in this photo, they look like come off the pot too straight here.

It's the first time I've slipped the body then attached the parts on a pot.  (middle teapot).  I think I'm going to like it and will probably make some cups with slipped bodies and unslipped handles for the next firing.

Quick Studio Ramble


I spent the better part of the morning at the Cleveland County Arts Council helping hang the Mystery Art show.  Opening is this Thursday.  These are all 5" x 7" works.  Each is selling for the super low price of $35 (or maybe $40 I can't remember).   All proceeds go to the Arts Council.  The show should be online, where you can also purchase, sometime Friday.

I had 4 entries.  Here's one.


Sarah and I got most of the garden put in today.  It doesn't look like much now but hopefully we'll have lots of growth over the next few weeks and loads of veggies over the summer months.