Facebook is Killing this Blog

Hey there.  If you are still one of the folks that drop in to see what is happening then I thank you.

Looks like I've not posted here since mid June.  I have however put loads of images and posts on my personal Facebook page and the Ron Philbeck Pottery FB page.  So maybe you've seen that, or maybe you're one of those people who 'don't do' Facebook.  I know there are a number of you out there.

I feel like I'm in a weird place with these three online venues.  This blog has been my mainstay for over 6 years.  However, Facebook makes it so easy to post and for others to 'like' or comment that I have found myself using it more and more.

Also, this blog's audience seems to be mainly potters.  I have certainly enjoyed interacting with all of the potter's who read and comment here but my intention with this blog was to reach the general public and to tell them about my work and to promote it.  I think it has been successful in doing that to a small degree but not as much as I had hoped.

Facebook on the other hand reaches way more of the general public and there is the opportunity for those people to Share what I put up there.  And I have to admit, it's super easy to use.  I love that I can put up  20 images in an album and have loads of people see it and comment on it.

I do feel that my current platform here on SquareSpace hasn't worked out as well as I'd have liked.  Going from Blogger to WordPress now to SquareSpace, it seems I've tried them all and nothing has been as friendly as Blogger was in the beginning.

Having both a personal FB page and a "Fan" page seems to cause me some confusion.  I post mostly to my personal page but I do have Followers on my Ron Philbeck Pottery page who are not my Friends on my personal page.  So do I post to both?  Do I create photo albums of my pottery related material in both of those places?  And then, I have to come here to the blog and do something!

So you can see that I'm thinking about all this.  I'm not sure where it will end up.   Maybe this site will become more of a general web page than a blog.  I'm not sure.  You'll have noticed that I haven't inserted an image here yet.  It's because it's a pain in the ass

to do it here on Squarespace.  At least 3-4 steps for just one image.  Okay well I'll go back and insert one or two.

One more thing and then I'll shut up.  I do realize that I couldn't have posted a long ramble like this on FB with any hopes of anyone reading it all.  It's a different way of communicating there. So that is something to think about.  (Now I have to hit the spelling check button here, FB would have been correcting me all along the way)

Tom Gray and I at the opening of By Example at Greenhill Gallery.

Okay you're only getting this one image because I had to resize it 3 times and then it still wouldn't do what I wanted and finally I got it on here!!!!!!  AGGGGGGGH! I'm going to FB now to do a post on this post.  If you want to Friend me then please do so.  You'll be much happier.  And here's the LINK to my Ron Philbeck Pottery page on FB, get on over there and LIKE it.  Thanks !!!!!  ~Ron