From the Studio

I've been accepted to the Western NC Pottery Festival and the Carolina Designer Craftsmans Fine Craft show this November.  That adds quite a bit to my plate for the fall.  My plan is to prepare NOW!

Medium sized dished drying in the studio.  (Made on Tuesday)

Today they got footed and slipped. (16 total counting the ones not in the pic)

I am working on some new cap jars.  I don't usually put knobs on this form but since these were prototypes I though I'd see how they looked.

The small one is big enough to grasp the lid with one hand.  I'm loosing valubable decoration space by putting the knobs on the others.  I think I'll make 2 more tomorrow like the one in the center sans knob.

And I made a large jar too.  I really don't do very well at making big pots.  I guess I just need more practice.  I'm happy with this one.  I don't need monster sized pots, but I'd like to have just a few about this big to be center pieces.  It's going to get a good amount of deco.

Here's a short video showing me slipping the base of that jar.

Kyle Carpenter using the ballon technique very effectively.